Diet Soda Leads to Hearing Loss
The human body evolved with a diet that was high in fruits and vegetables. If you fight nature with your diet, your health and energy level will tank, as well as hearing loss. People are shocked at how much better they feel after substituting high-fiber foods for fast foods, processed foods and artificial sweeteners like aspartame. You need fiber:
- To regulate your bowels
- For good colon health
- For weight loss if you are overweight
Eating fruits and vegetables increases your fiber intake.
How you combine your foods is also important. The best combinations are:
- Proteins or fats with vegetables
- Vegetables with simple carbohydrates
- Vegetables with fat
Combining your fruit with protein and healthy fats slows sugar/carbohydrate absorption. In fact, make protein the first bite of each meal to slow absorption even more. That means less fat storage, longer lasting energy and fewer food cravings shortly after you eat. And you will easily accomplish that by eating less. In fact, even if you eat unhealthy food from time to time, eating less of it at each meal can be almost as important as eating the right food.
Remember to lower your carbohydrate intake by replacing high-calorie, low-nutrient carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, table sugar, soda, candy) with low-calorie, high-nutrient carbohydrates (brightly colored fruits and vegetables and sweet potatoes).
If you add sweeteners to anything, the healthiest sugar substitute we know of is stevia. Stevia is a delicious natural herb sweetener with added health benefits. You can find it your local health food store. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Most are toxic and can undermine your health.
For example, high doses of aspartame may lead to neurodegeneration. Aside from the damage it can do to your brain, aspartame can cause cancer. One well-controlled, peer-reviewed, seven-year study even found that as little as 20 mg per day can cause cancer in humans. One 12-ounce diet soda contains about 180 mg of aspartame, so you do the math for that risk!Eating aspartame can also lead to multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, memory and hearing loss and hormonal problems.
How about Splenda? That’s harmless, right? Well, look at what a recent study, published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health found. Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent, contributes to weight gain, increases the pH level in your intestines (bad for your digestion) and affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you’re on certain medications.
“Diet soda anyone?”
In addition to changing what food you eat, consider changing when you eat. The fluctuations in your insulin levels from carbohydrates, which are so damaging to your system, can be controlled by eating smaller, more frequent meals. This will also boost your metabolism, causing calories to be burned faster, and will raise your energy level.
Those with aspartame in their diet, once taken off diet sodas, have fond symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis disappear. There are many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved markedly. This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia.
You buy the poison; you buy the disease.
Food is a weapon. Are you going to be the next victim?