Healing from any Addiction, Illness or Disease
This New Discovery Reveals Potential For Radical Healing From Drug Addiction
There is a natural human tendency to cleave to the old and resist the new. Yet, inevitably, we enter each new day revitalized, rejuvenated and refreshed. At least we try to. The problem is the average American family of four is exposed to 1,500 advertising messages a day. (Fordham University College of Business Administration)This data smog would make it a challenge for even a Zen master to stay positive and addiction free. It’s no wonder that as much as 70% of our thoughts tend to be negative. You already know to avoid junk foods, right? Yet few people take the same care to avoid “junk info.”
This Big Food, Big Pharma and Big Agri are pouring billions of advertising dollars into the mega-marketing media machine to keep you thinking about their products 24/7. The latest advertising atrocity is called Direct-To-Consumer marketing and it’s illegal in every country but America and New Zealand. You know which commercials I’m talking about: the ones suggesting your symptoms may be diseases, then telling you to “see your doctor” to find out if the latest designer drug is for you.
It is illegal for just anyone to offer any form of diagnosis of physical or psychological illness or disease. I believe it is a form of attack to suggest to someone that something is wrong with them. People will sincerely believe what they hear. A comment about a mental disorder, chemical imbalance or genetic weakness may become a part of their identity.
It’s no wonder that currently 50% of Americans take at least one prescribed drug every day — and the numbers are rising thanks to Direct-To-Consumer suggestions. As fellow human beings we have a responsibility to speak positively and encourage others to take more responsibility for their own health choices.
There is a false disease going around that is 100% reversible and instantly curable. The false disease is called “victimization.” We all need to join together to abolish this pseudo-disease from the face of the earth. Because as long as the mega media monster gets to say whatever it wants to, unfiltered, uncensored and unabashed, countless people of every walk of life and age group will continue to “indentify” with the addiction mind-set that they are “victims.”
I have to admit, it is an ingenious marketing scheme though. Who but people that believed they were victims of genetic fate would buy into this Big Pharma culture? There is something ethically wrong with selling drugs to people who are easily addicted to substances. On one side of the street we call them drug pushers. On the other side, Big Pharma is just doing business as usual.
I hope you understand, I am writing about a “victim-mind set.” I am very aware that the world is filled with real victims of crime, violence and disaster. I am simply pointing out the irresponsibility of drug companies that are “enabling” addiction through negative auto-suggestion. That’s why Direct-To-Consumer advertising should be banned everywhere. It is irresponsible and guarantees the massive prescribing of more drugs on the front of fighting rampant addictive behavior in society. The pandemic of addiction ruins more lives than all other diseases put together.
Typically, Western medicine has stuck its head in the sand concerning its 80% failure rate from “treating symptoms” of addiction. The bottom line is, by ignoring the real cause of addiction, the current approach permits the whole “victim mentality” to thrive. This may shock you, but you’re temporary addiction to drugs may be an unaddressed “subliminal suggestion” you need to identify. These Direct-To-Consumer drug messages subliminally suggest sickness is a function of your body and thus you must buy their “chemicals and drugs” to counteract your dysfunctional nature. Please give me a break! Sickness is NOT your body’s function!
Devictimization is the simple process of waking up from a nightmare that never was. Like a child who is afraid to look out from the covers because of the monsters in the closet, once the light is on, reality sinks in again. Once the illusion, lie or auto-suggestion is seen for what it really is, its influence over you goes away.
Leading researchers are reconsidering our old beliefs about how the human brain functions and including terms like “superconscious,” “healing mind” and “intelligent energy fields,” into the new mode. A new world view is dawning! Enter the age of bioenergetic healing.
FACT: If you want to break away from the limitations of your past and be free of the unresolved emotions and chemical addictions which enslave you, you must be determined to see things differently. Read on . . .
You’ve been educated, conditioned and cultivated to believe in a “victim mind-set.” That lie is the heart of your addiction challenge. It is a mistake to believe any chemical reaction, behavior trait or genetic weakness is more powerful than your innate intelligence, indomitable will and free mind.The human brain has the capacity to download astonishing amounts of new data in the form of “behaviors and beliefs,” into your hard drive memory. In a nut shell, this means you have the potential for radical healing. I know you can be free from any addiction, illness or disease and their causes.
As you know, traditionally, every new discovery is resisted by the human impulse to protect the past. Yesterday the world was flat, today mind, body and even thinking and feeling are seen as one and the same. (www.HeartMath.com)
You and I literally live in a holographic universe, meaning within each part, the whole of Mama Nature can be found. Wholeness heals you because it is of the mind. Fact is by combining the will to recover with guidance and support you can defeat any addictions. Don’t be tempted to believe you need drugs to help you.
What I’m sharing isn’t knew, it just took science 6,000 years to validate what the ancient Chinese, Essenes and Ayurvedic teachers have long known. The ancients understood the universe to be one living conscious being or organism. Today, scientists call this the systemic, or a holographic universe. Thus where ancient wisdom once proclaimed creation as an ever-expanding “Creative Intelligence,” today we call it “Intelligent Design.” In order accept new knowledge we have to let go of old mistaken concepts.
Genetic determinism is a thing of the past! Definition of determinism: the belief that all events are caused and determined by their preceding events and, therefore, entirely predictable, raising philosophical questions about freewill and responsibility.
Genetic determinism is a political iron fist being used to crush free thinking, self-sustaining individuals like you. Its doctrine claims that human willpower and positive attitude have no influence over health and body. IF the propaganda was true then genetic determinists, greedy politicians and tyrants would control the entire human race with their chemical madness.
Sounds like a bad B-movie doesn’t it?
Big Pharma wants to blame “the gene” for every illness and frankly, they’re wrong. But, if they can convince Joe Public, Big Pharma’s power and profits will soar. I’m talking about more misused power and money than the world has ever seen before.
What’s scary is their marketing scheme was working, until the discovery of Epigenetics. It’s as if “The king has no clothes,” and somebody’s derriere is sticking out in the wind. They’ll do anything to cover it up.
The real future of medicine is completely different than what Big Pharma bet it would be. They have fully vested in the chemical/gene assumption, but the “new science” of epigenetics refutes the very foundation of the pharmaceutical empire and they are NOT happy about it at all.
As you may already know mere chemical reactions cannot explain any of the remarkable feats the human body and mind can perform. Since genes are not controlling our biology, exactly what is responsible for our healing, regeneration and growth? The answer is information!
By definition, epigenetics states that every organism is born with a certain purpose, and continues to develop how it was intended to in interrelation with its environment. Simply put you can control more than 90% of genetic expression with good food, healthy lifestyle and positive attitude (that’s your environment). Do you see the power of your mind and the choices you make a little clearer now?The information comes from beyond “the known system.” That’s where will power, positive attitude and Mama Nature influence the body electric. Life is made of pure information, and information is the earmark of the mind. Based solely upon the science of epigenetics, we can see evidence of a consciousness superior to our own. There is inarguably an underlying intelligent design to life.
This means no one has to be a victim of Big Pharma’s chemical dogma . . . ever.
The new science of healing empowers your ability to take control of your life, liberty and your health. The truth will set you free! You are NOT a victim of traits, chemicals and genes. Epigenetic, holistic and bio-energy medicines offer humanity an optimal healing system, an “Inner Technology” available to everyone without exception. This is the new frontier of energy medicine today!
This almost forgotten science is being brought into mainstream conversations among integrative physicians everywhere, giving birth to what I call, “genuine healthcare.” Together with these emerging world views we can expand human liberties, empower integral health technologies and nurture self-healing.