7 Healing Steps for Inflammation
How you handle your inflammation means everything. Discover how easily you can stop your inflammation and change your life’s direction and healing process in 7 simple steps.
Many of you remember our very first issue of Home Cures That Work when I introduced The Wellness Ladder and promised to discuss its healing process and principles in more detail later. That day is here!For our new readers, The Wellness Ladder is a helpful model based on 7 “rungs” that lead either to dis-ease or wellness. The rungs correlate to proven “healing principles” which ascend the ladder of wellness in 7 defined steps to recovery or descend into further sickness, pain and more suffering.
I have always used The Wellness Ladder to help give people an idea where they stand and to encourage them to keep striving to “live well” again.
In this month’s issue of Home Cures That Work, our health topic is all about the “fourth step” on The Wellness Ladder: INFLAMMATION!
Let’s trace back down the seven rung ladder of health to help you understand the ROOT CAUSE of what ails you:
- The first step down is loss of life energy
- The second step is toxicity
- The third step is stress
- The fourth step is inflammation
- The fifth step is degeneration
- The sixth step is stiffness
- The seventh step is mutation
Understanding each step down the ladder will give you the wherewithal to help stop the dis-ease you’re suffering from and give you an opportunity to reverse your direction before it’s too late.
My exhaustive research confirms once you’ve identified the real cause of your dis-ease, then you can trace back up the ladder and ultimately, with genuine care, revive your original state of vitality, health and wellness.
To point a fact: only treating your symptoms fails to address the cause or reverse dis-ease.
The “fourth rung” of inflammation is most crucial whether you are descending or ascending. It’s how you deal with your inflammation that will determine which way you are going on your own personal wellness ladder. As you already know, you want to be going up it, not down.
Here’s a little known secret: Once you have control over your inflammation, you can then control your whole healing process.
Most people are mislead into “artificially blocking” their inflammation with drugs and do not understand it as part of their healing process. Remember, when you’re going up the wellness ladder, every step is part of your healing process.
The most important thing you must first change is your perspective. Then you can change your direction up or down the ladder. It goes unsaid, we go where we look.
So, let’s keep looking upwards. Agreed?
Did you know some doctors will actually inject sugar into an inflamed knee or joint to help increase inflammation to accelerate the healing process? Of course, you don’t want to increase your own inflammation. That’s an extreme example.
The point is that you certainly don’t want to artificially block your inflammation before it has done its job. Inflammation plays a vital role in your healing process.
When you hit your thumb with a hammer it initiates an “inflammation response.” This is all part of your natural immune response and is necessary for your body to make the necessary repairs.
Your inflammation may have a different cause, yet that “response” serves the same purpose. Your internal “inflammatory response” may be because of pollen, dust or allergens. It could also be from emotional or physical stress, cellular toxicity or even a simple deficiency of minerals and water.
Millions of people are misguided to believe they’re supposed to take some kind of magic pain pill at the first sign of any inflammation or pain. The problem with that is the “real cause” of the inflammation is still there doing whatever it does and all you’ve done is interfere with your own healing process.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anti-histamines or corticoid steroids may offer relieve from some of the inflammation and pain. But, they also can make things worse, leading to compounded stress, increased cellular toxicity or further deficiencies and health risks – sending you further down the wellness ladder.There are better ways to quench the painful fire of inflammation, which in turn will actually help your body’s own healing process.
Think not that wellness is found by following a road away from it. For you to reach a destination you must travel in its direction – NOT away from it.
Every road that leads the other way will not get your any closer to the healing you seek. So, how do you know when you are on the real healing pathway to recovery? Until you see the “real” alternatives, you remain powerless without any choice.
Scientists have been searching for the reasons why only certain natural alternatives have an undeniable benefit on the “inflammation process.”
The key is found in the fact that about 75% of your body is water and only 25% is solid. Traditional medicine has spent all its time looking for answers within just the “solid” part and for the most part ignoring the “soluble” aspects. In the past, medical investigators were only looking at the parts dissolved in the body’s water rather than the water itself. This mistake has led to the over use of drugs we have today.
Unfortunately, the incorrect assumption that water has no metabolic function has cost the American people dearly. Simply by understanding “hydrolysis” reveals water is indeed a nutrient and a crucial key to all bodily functions. Fundamentally your vital “life energy” (the first rung of wellness) is directly related to you having adequate “free water” around and within your cells.
Without water, the process for making energy within the cell would be impossible for one, leading ultimately to more inflammation.
The easiest way to explain the correlation between inflammation and dehydration is to point out the fact that dehydration triggers the loss of critical amino acids and mineral salts used to make neurotransmitters. A major neurotransmitter that regulates water, called an osmoregulator, controls your histamine metabolism.
Histamine brings growing cells water and nutrition by pumping new cells with potassium. Histamine also drives antibacterial, antiviral and immunity systems. But under drought conditions, your body over-prepares by producing more histamine cells in hopes of preparing for rapid hydration.
Basically, water is the natural anti-histamine and the last thing you want to do is take drugs to block inflammation caused from dehydration.
Evidently, histamine and serotonin are vital to balancing your cellular salts (minerals), which determine the proper function of the cation pumps to transform energy from water, or hydrolysis at the cell membrane level.
Mineral sea salts like potassium, sodium and magnesium make the cations, or electrical charge needed to stay alive.
Frankly, your cells need “available water” or “free water” to maintain a key amino acid called tryptophan, which if depleted triggers a chain reaction of other imbalances, producing PAIN, INFLAMMATION and even TISSUE DAMAGE.
Fun Factoid: The amino acid tryptophan crosses your blood-brain barrier where the brain uses it to make several neurotransmitters like serotonin, which conducts all other neurotransmitters in the brain and regulating all your body’s metabolic functions.
Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir, from the Weizmann Institute, proved that proteins (made of amino acids) and enzymes function better in the presence of free water. Without adequate free water enzymes, nutrients and other forms of energy needing to diffuse across cell membranes become less efficient.
The key to eliminating inflammation and pain is to maintain water and electrolytes (mineral sea salts) inside and outside your cells.You know, as always, the natural solution is consistently the simplest.
To nurture your automatic healing process and control inflammatory pain you really only require a mustard seed of nutritional literacy.
Keep in mind your body is like a machine. If vital things like fluids, oils and water or even air are missing, it will result in a functional deficiency. A functional deficiency for your car, for example, could result in an overheated engine or worse due to mechanical inflammation caused by internal stress and friction.
Due to chronic stress, environmental toxins and fluctuating hormones, women should eat omega-3 rich foods to help control their appetite. Snack on a handful of walnuts to help.
You don’t have to be a master mechanic to know that’s true and you don’t have to have be a medical doctor to see the vital importance of simple elements, like water, cellular mineral salts and other basic cofactors, which are often underestimated.
Now, imagine moving upwards on the “rungs” of The Ladder of Wellness, by resolving inflammation at the fourth rung, removing “stress” at the third, releasing “toxins” at the second and finally restoring “vital energy” at the first.
Above the fourth rung of inflammation is the third rung of stress. Just like the mechanical example, when you solve your motor’s functional deficiency you naturally have less internal stress.
Likewise, as you address the real cause of your physical and emotional stress at the third rung, you help restore your optimum metabolic balance. This allows cellular toxins to flush out of your body at the second rung and continue upward on the wellness ladder. (Refer to Wellness Ladder above.)
The top rung is also the first rung of cellular energy. Again, like a machine, once harmonic balance is restored and all the proper fluids and critical elements are sufficient, then your cellular, physical and mechanical energy abounds.
As you can see, by properly addressing the real cause of your inflammation response, you can quickly move upward through the rungs of wellness to optimum health by nurturing and healing yourself, naturally.
As you become more familiar with using the ladder of wellness, seemingly complex dis-ease becomes easier to understand and the healing process eventually becomes first nature, instead of second.
In the best case scenario, ensuring your cellular free water and cellular mineral salt levels are self-sufficient is the surest and fastest way to progress from the fourth rung up to the first rung of wellness and healing.
Health experts do agree that if you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated and dehydration is a major trigger of inflammation and pain.
Keep in mind most liquids that contain water, like soda pop, coffee and alcohol really trigger a loss of water, leading to dehydration and eventually more inflammation. In fact, that’s why your body passes more liquid than your take in. Nothing can substitute for real living, pure water. Absolutely nothing.
If you are constantly suffering from symptoms of inflammation and pain, please check your free water level before you do anything else. Free water is available water; it’s “free” and “available.” It’s not locked up, mixed up or stored away, just pure, fresh living and available FREE water. It’s “free!”
The bottom line is dehydration produces inflammatory symptoms that are quite often labeled as dis-ease states, simply because the importance of simple elements like water have not received due attention and respect.
Yes, dis-ease seems complex because of the way we scientifically catalog the many biological systems and metabolisms, which have fallen out of balance. It’s a lot like a Sherlock Holmes novel where the details are gathered, sorted out and labeled for clues that will lead to the cause of the crime. Yet, once the crime has been solved. The solution is ever so simple.
That explains why, sometimes, natural remedies seem too simple to be true and yet, the truth is true.
What could be simpler than free water and mineral rich sea salt?
For point of fact, here are some interesting notes for you about sea salt:
- Did you know sea salt is a natural anti-histamine?
- Did you know sea salt is good for relieving biological stress?
- Did you know sea salt extracts acidic waste from inside your cells?
- Did you know sea salt removes metabolic waste from your kidneys?
- Did you sea salt helps treat depression and emotional disorders?
- Did you know sea salt protects serotonin and melatonin levels in your brain?
- Did you know sea salt increases activity of dis-ease fighting cells?
- Did you know sea salt preserves muscle tone and strength?
Note: Table salt is a processed chemical that has a dangerous effect on your health and wellness. Avoid table salt at all costs.
Isn’t it interesting that your body’s veins rush with oxygen enriched blood carrying the same essential elements as the sea, providing oxygen, minerals and nutrients to all 60 TRILLION of your cells? Surely, it is no accident that free water enhanced with traces of mineral rich sea salt is so crucial for soothing inflammation.I hope this information will help you reach the top of your own wellness ladder and sustain your most optimum health.