The Anti-Cancer Grocery List
Olives and figs can heal your skin from the inside and the outside. Rich with antioxidants, the vitamin A & E naturally provide what Big Pharma studies claim are anti-cancer fighting properties.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the US, according to the US Cancer Statistics Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data (USCS) produced (2005) by the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In the next 7 minutes, I’m going to show you the simple cure for not only skin cancer, but how this same science can release the immortal blueprint of youth locked deep within your skin’s DNA — and it’s all on your next grocery list! Read on!
A skin cancer study published in July of 2008 in the Journal of Cell Physiology verified that “antioxidant vitamin C actually slows down the growth of melanoma in humans.” Researchers at the Seoul National University College of Medicine mapped out the metabolic pathways that explain how vitamin C has a significant stopping effect on the growth of skin cancer. Apparently, vitamin C is crucial in suppressing the spreading of several types of cancer.
So, why is skin cancer so prevalent in the US?
Disease can be like a runaway freight train; you must first slow it down and stop it in its tracks before you can reverse it.
Just imagine how frustrated researchers must feel having discovered natural antioxidants like vitamin C can slow down cancer, only to have special interest groups who control mainstream media, try and shoot it down and sweep their discovery under the rug. Seriously, the bashing of all alternative health choices simply has to stop!!!
We are on the verge of radical change that will shift America from a broken healthcare system to an enlightened and genuine self-sustaining, self-regulating and self-healing healthcare culture. We simply need to allow it to exist.
Here’s one example of how health adversaries use biased and absurd statements to bash common cures they don’t want you to know about.
A recent discovery proved that, “Vitamin A encourages stem cells to change into cells which build blood cells.” But, instead of admitting the amazing “benefits” of such a discovery, they claim it causes tumors. Yet, in their research, these same misguided people admit vitamin A is needed for embryonic development because it helps stem cells “differentiate” by triggering them to become any required tissue needed. What’s with that!?
To counter these false tumor claims, there is a successful anti-cancer drug that prevents the active ingredient (retinoic acid) derived from vitamin A from breaking down. That’s the truth!!!
Based on this anti-cancer treatment, it seems “the more vitamin A” cancerous tumors have, the faster they shrink. The retinoic acid (vitamin A) actually redirects the tumor cells back into their normal organized growing patterns. That’s “Solid Proof” vitamin A restores normal programmed cell death, forcing cancer cells into a non-cancerous growing pattern. That’s good news!
This same treatment helps better explain why vitamin A products are commonly used to counteract skin cancer and promote healthy skin. Yet, despite the facts, it doesn’t stop special interest groups from trying to scare you away from the promise of natural remedies and food-based medicines. On the other hand, you have to ask yourself why the pharmaceutical industry is rushing to “patent their findings” to develop vitamin A-like drugs? Because they’re all about corporate greed, treating disease symptoms and making fists full of money.
I’ve seen this kind of blatant misbehavior thwarted against all antioxidants for at least a decade now. In fact, antioxidants are so very important there are at least 200 genetic switches that generate antioxidants and their component enzymes “with-in” your cells. That’s right! Your body actually makes antioxidants internally.
There has been ample evidence proving the obvious benefits of antioxidants for thousands of years.
Mediterranean women have a beauty secret that has kept their skin healthy and vibrant for a millennium. This amazing beauty secret is revealed within just two common food sources, “olives and figs.” Ancient Mediterranean people used crushed olive seeds as facial scrubs and highly regarded figs for their healing qualities and also included them in their olive oil-based soaps.
Both olives and figs are rich in antioxidants (i.e., vitamin E), which fight the damaging effects of the environment. Egypt’s legendary Cleopatra, Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans all prized the fruit of the olive tree. The oil of this small fruit has offered a woman through the ages a smooth radiant complexion.
They used the benefits of olives from both the inside and out. You can create your own skin care recipes in the kitchen using these two fruits as a base. Interesting to note, black olives are rich in many nutrients and minerals and contain about 10% vitamin A, 2% vitamin C, 12% Calcium, 25% Iron, 9% Vitamin E and 16% Copper — just to list a few.
The raw ingredients in these two fruits help maintain elasticity of skin, heal dry, brittle nails and soften cuticles, as well as condition and add shine to hair. You’ll never need a prescription!
But, the benefits of olives don’t stop there.
Researchers from the University of Granada and Barcelona have shown a pulp of olive oil, also called orujo olive oil, helps stop growth and caused the programmed death of cancer cells. The active ingredient from the olive skins is maslinic acid, which research suggests is useful in a new strategy for colon cancer. Orujo olive oil has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties (Journal Free Radical Research, Volume 40, Issue 3 March 2006 , pages 295 – 302).
There’s no doubt Mama Nature is the Master teacher, not the student. One day it will be common knowledge that your genes already make their own powerful antioxidants to help repair the damage free radical oxidative stress triggers.
I hope by now, you, like me, can agree more and more how the scientific body of evidence supports that vitamins, minerals and all their antioxidant cofactors are Mama Nature’s most powerful medicines for healthy skin, bone and tissue cell growth. However, some antioxidants, like vitamin C, we need to get directly from our foods.
There are many co-factors, flavonoids and phenolic acids found in foods that contribute to healthy skin and tissue cells. The list is exhaustive.
Today, you will change the way you look at your grocery list forever, so here is a list of foods, herbs and spices that supply antioxidants and their cofactors: cocoa, cloves, cinnamon, oregano, turmeric, cumin, parsley, basil, curry powder, mustard seed, ginger, pepper, paprika, garlic, coriander, onion, cardamom, sage, thyme, marjoram, tarragon, peppermint, oregano, savory, basil and dill.Of course, the government and its regulatory agents haven’t decided whether any of these have any ability to help defend you against oxidative stress. As far as they are concerned, none of these have any nutritional benefits whatsoever. If they did, they would have to be labeled and treated as drugs. That’s just misleading!
YOU are still the final authority when it comes to your health. So, you decide.
Read on to discover why natural cures are inarguably the secret to unlocking the immortal cell in you.
Ultimately, your healthy skin depends on foods, which can turbo-charge your cell’s ability to “switch on” its own antioxidant manufacturing machinery. Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts is an example of one of those miraculous healing genetic “switching” foods.
In other words, your body can make its own antioxidants, and without this ability, your aging process will accelerate, your skin will dry and harden and toxic acidosis will consume your health.
My whole point is there is literally a cornucopia of healing foods that can transform your skin’s health externally and internally by awakening and feeding your primal genetic origins. If they can cure cancer, they can certainly slow down and even stop your biological aging process.
Read on, I want you to see food is the medicine you need to rediscover!!!
By the way, did I tell you how orthomolecular science uses a proven, successful antioxidant therapy “synergistically?” This means that one type of antioxidant actually helps the others work more effectively.
How on earth can the government drug agencies ignore these obvious natural remedies???
For example, vitamin E not only helps protect patients from overdosing from “therapeutic dosage levels” of vitamin A, but another study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry discovered vitamin C and A were three times more effective when used together rather than separately. Did I mention that olives and many other food sources contain naturally synergistic combinations of both vitamin A and C, so very important to improving skin health?
Together, they stopped growth of breast tumor cells more than 75% better than untreated cells. Researchers believe vitamin C slows down the breaking down of vitamin A’s retinoic acid. Kim KN, Pie JE, Park JH, Park YH, Kim HW, Kim MK. Retinoic acid and ascorbic acid act synergistically in inhibiting human breast cancer cell proliferation (J Nutr Biochem. 2006 Jul;17(7):454-62. Epub 2005 Nov 15).
Are you seeing the big picture yet? What could be more exciting and important than these discoveries?!
Studies that PROVE vitamin A’s anti-cancer benefits go all the way back to experiments done with vitamin A-deficient rats in 1926. In 1941, Abelsetal found low levels of vitamin A in patients with gastrointestinal cancer, Moon et al found vitamin A prevented squamous cell carcinoma and de Klerk et al lowered rates of mesothelioma with retinol. The evidence is real.
The National Institutes of Health says, “Dietary intake studies suggest an association between diets rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A and a lower risk of many types of cancer. A higher intake of green and yellow vegetables or other food sources of beta carotene and/or vitamin A may decrease the risk of lung cancer.”
Two time Nobel Prize laureate Linus Pauling supports the science proving that vitamin A can reduce the growth of cancer significantly in the skin, breast, liver, colon, prostate and more.
The bottom line is the special interest groups don’t want you to comprehend the ultimate importance of supporting healthy cell membrane health through natural remedies and smart living.
There are REAL cures that are all around you. Discover them, use them and tell others about them! The solution to the skin cancer epidemic isn’t to eliminate sunlight, sit in the dark and take prescriptive drugs. The solution is to get up, get out and start enjoying the abundance of natural healing foods and rediscover your capacity to stay young your whole life long.
Consider this: if a deficiency of a vitamin can cause a disease, then isn’t it obvious that we can improve the quality of our lives tremendously simply by knowing which foods to eat and which to avoid?
Seriously folks, we already know a vitamin A deficiency triggers a weakened immune system and causes blindness, defective tooth enamel and birth defects. Plus, we know vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy and contributes to cardiovascular disease. So, common sense says these antioxidants and the foods they come from should be beneficial for your skin as well, right?
After all, it’s only intelligent to work with Mama Nature, wouldn’t you agree?
Of course, you agree. Your adversary wants you dependant on drugs and unnecessary medicine, but your destiny is to be self-sustaining so you can experience your own healing transformation. So, don’t be fooled by fear mongering medicine any longer. Agreed?
Good, then. This is an important time for you to find out how you can overcome and get to your destiny and to find out what life wants for you.
Government protected medicine has more than taken its toll on America’s health and wealth. This is apparent in the current politics of drug enforcement polices which claim “only drugs” can cure, treat or prevent disease, when anyone can see this is simply NOT true.
Big Pharma lobbies billions of advertising dollars to persuade these agencies to force you to take their drugs, rather than seek a natural solution.
Just because vitamin C cures symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, such as scurvy, heart disease and cancer… Because vitamin A cures the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, etc…
The pharmaceutical industry wants you to pay for a prescription. As you can see, this kind of greedy thinking is extremely counterproductive to the health and welfare of all people.
If something is good for your cell membrane health you want to get as much of it as you can get.
By eliminating under-nutrition we can eliminate all deficiencies. By eliminating all deficiencies we will eliminate all degenerative disease and quite possibly find that everything we thought was incurable is, in fact, curable.
In closing, if your skin is losing collagen, elasticity and blood flow, you need to have access to the best living, plant-based foods, oils and butters rich in antioxidants, proteins and minerals available on planet earth.
To have some special interest group determine what foods, herbs and medicines you can or cannot have access to is an abomination of American freedom and an insult to human intelligence.
You live only once and you only get one body and one skin. Both ancient science and modern remedies prove that, locked deep inside your DNA, are the blueprints for an immortal cell, free of disease and dysfunction, eternally young and vibrant.
Only by discovering your own natural balance through beneficial activities, healthy emotions and healing foods can you escape being the by-product of another mass consumer experiment.
Your health really is a choice! So, exercise your body and your right to chose life-giving foods so you can stay comfortable in your own skin for the century to come.