12 Home Remedies for Toothaches
Generally, toothache is caused when tooth decay invades or is about to infect the pulp chamber, which contains nerve endings and tiny blood vessels. This occurs because compromised enamel allowed material into the center of your tooth, otherwise known as demineralization. But, the good news is the human body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself. We fight off colds and flu, repair fractured bones and heal cuts and scrapes. Teeth are no different. They are not simply passive or inert, but will actively remineralize areas of decay. This is a proven fact, and has been known since before the 1930’s.
Although, there are many over-the-counter toothache cures, they all have some side effects. Today, home remedies for a toothache are becoming quite popular. My Dad used to tell me (jokingly) to down some Whiskey when I had a toothache!
Home Remedies for a Toothache
The best home remedy is to take good care of your teeth! So, always rinse your mouth regularly, especially after meals; brush and floss to remove morsels sticking between the teeth; and generally follow good oral hygiene. However, if you do get saddled with a toothache, opt for toothache pain home remedy instead of over-the-counter medication. The home remedy safe and effective.
Let’s see what they are.
Take a small piece of cotton ball or gauze pad and put 1 to 2 drops of clove bud oil on it. Stick the cotton ball or gauze pad directly on the hole. The piece should be large enough to fit into the hole snugly without falling out. Or, use clove oil (2-4 drops) in 1/4 glass of water for a mouthwash. Clove has a numbing effect and kills bacteria.2. Oil Pulling
Swish coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil in the mouth and through the teeth for 5 to 10 minutes before spitting out. Practice oil pulling daily.
3. Garlic
Placing a clove of garlic with little rock salt on the affected tooth helps relieve or even cure the pain.
4. Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal can also help draw out the toxins. Mix a teaspoon of activated charcoal powder with enough water to make a paste. Place some of the paste on a small piece of gauze, put the gauze on the sore area and bite down so that the paste surrounds your tooth. Leave it on for up to 5 minutes, then remove the gauze and excess paste and rinse your mouth with water. You can use this remedy 3 or 4 times a day, as needed.
5. Blackstrap Molasses
Holding organic blackstrap molasses in your mouth for a couple of minutes or smearing some of the molasses on the gums may help to push the pain back for several hours (unless blackstrap molasses’ sugar content makes it impossible to put on or near your painful tooth). Blackstrap molasses is full of magnesium and calcium, the minerals teeth need to repair and regenerate.
6. Colloidial Silver
Once per day, spray the infected area with 2 squirts of colloidial silver, 10 ppm.
7. Hydrogen Peroxide
Floss first, then swish a mouthful of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for a few seconds. Let it stay in your mouth for about a minute, then spit it out and rinse thoroughly with water. Do this once a day for 2 to 3 days in a row. Don’t swallow the peroxide and don’t use more than 3 days.
8. Echinacea and Aloe
Open 2 capsules of echinacea and mix the contents with enough aloe gel to form a paste the consistency of toothpaste. Dab the paste on the gum next to the aching tooth and let it dissolve. Use as often as needed. The aloe will reduce the pain, while the echinacea will battle any infection causing the toothache.
Take 1 teaspoons of magnesium citrate for 3-4 days for natural toothache pain relief. This will help with any sensitivity from sweet or very hot/cold foods and beverages. I’ve made this remedy part of my daily routine and hope to discover more health benefits of this great mineral.
10. Liquor
One of the best quick-fix home remedies for a toothache is, of all things, a good strong drink of liquor. Squeeze a wad of cotton soaked in brandy or vodka against the affected tooth. This will help numb the pain. You can also make the gum numb by taking a swig of Whiskey and holding it over the painful tooth. (My Dad was right!!!)
11. Black Tea
If you don’t have time to go to a health food store and pick up items like charcoal, cloves or echinacea, put a black tea bag over the toothache and the tannins will help draw the toxins out of the tooth or gum.
12. Magic Tincture
This remedy is strictly for pain in the jaw or tooth. Pack this around the tooth that is giving you problems. If you can cover the tooth up it will generate heat. That will remove the pain faster than any toothache remedy.
– 3 tablespoons charcoal
– 1/2 teaspoon clove oil
– 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper
– ½ teaspoon olive oil (enough to make a paste)
– 1 teaspoon of golden seal
Mix the ingredients into a thick mixture, about the consistency of natural peanut butter. You want to be able to mold it around the tooth, so that it will stick. You will feel the heat, but let it work its magic before you wash your mouth out. If you are in a lot of pain the heat is comforting. The pain of the poultice drawing is less than the throbbing of the toothache.
A toothache can strike without warning and once it does, you can’t ignore it. So, if you’re prepared to tackle this menace with a homemade toothache remedy, you can be sure of natural, quick and effective relief.