Your Acid Reflux Is Not Really A Drug Deficiency
When exposure to caustic digestive juices erodes your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), a variety of symptoms inevitably appear, such as chronic heartburn and regurgitation. If the symptoms increase, diagnostic testing may verify gastroesophageal reflux “disease” (GERD), leading to surgical therapy.
NOT a pretty picture.
Did you know if you experience acid reflux just twice a week, you might already have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? At least, that’s what your pharmacist may tell you.
Based on 1985 statistics, between 3-7% of the population in the USA suffer from “GERD and related esophageal disorders.” Digestive diseases in the United States: Epidemiology and Impact – NIH Publication No. 94-1447, NIDDK, 1994
Millions of people who suffer from acid reflux or GERD symptoms use over-the-counter (OTC) acid-reducing agents called antacids, or anti-secretory drugs such as H3 blockers and proton pump inhibitors, assuming they need them.
- Common antacids include: Alka-Seltzer, Maalox, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol, Riopan andRolaids.
- Common H2 blockers are: cimetidine (Tagamet HB),famotidine (Pepcid AC), nizatidine (Axid AR)and ranitidine (Zantac 75).
- Common proton pump inhibitors are: esomeprazole (Nexium),lansoprazole (Prevacid), omeprazole (Prilosec, Zegerid), pantoprazole (Protonix)andrabeprazole (Aciphex).
It’s very important that if you do have GERD symptoms you should consult with a qualified health practitioner. However, it doesn’t mean you have to accept a life sentence of taking harmful OTC and prescriptive drugs that will never cure your acid reflux or GERD and sometimes even make it worse.
Fact is if GERD is left uncured over time, it can lead to complications such as a bleeding ulcer and scars from tissue damage, which can lead to a narrowed esophagus (stricture) making swallowing more difficult. GERD may also cause hoarseness, chronic cough, and conditions such as bad breath or even asthma.
Just remember your acid reflux or GERD is NOT a drug deficiency. There are effective, safe and affordable alternatives readily available to you.
Read on to learn more.
The Shocking Truth About Acid Indigestion Revealed
Contrary to the common excuse given for acid reflex, gastroesophageal reflux and GERD are RARELY caused from producing too much stomach acid (HCL). Rather, the “root cause” more often than not, is from the LACK of stomach acid (HCL).
Truth is having a hydrochloric acid (HCL) deficiency can actually trigger “sporadic surges” of bile salts and digestive fluids, leading to symptoms of heartburn and ultimately, GERD.
In fact, researchers at Copenhagen University discovered that some addictive acid blocking drugs (Nexium) actually aggravate these sporadic up-surges of stomach acid, literally increasing acid reflux symptoms. July, 2009 issue of the journal Gastroenterology
It’s easy to imagine undigested food piling up to your esophagus causing your digestive fluids to rise, ultimately splashing up into your throat. When acid reflux happens, it definitely feels like too much acid, but actually it’s because of too little.
Aluminum can also create memory loss. Avoid aluminum in other products, such as:
-Baking Power
To add injury to insult, antacids block the remaining digestive acid levels you need to breakdown and absorb important nutrients. Keep in mind, if you are 50 years or older the last thing you want to do is block minerals, nutrients and their cofactors from reaching your needy cells. A John Hopkins medical letter published in December of 1999 titled “Health After 50,”discussed how aluminum laden antacids are also associated with accelerating bone loss.
FACT: Two-time Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling declared that, “All disease originates from simple mineral deficiencies,” and acid reflux disease is no exception.
It is a scientific fact that dietary minerals found within RAW vegetables, fruits and unprocessed sea salt are vital for optimum health. Essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium help regulate proper pH for a healthy bones and heart. So, why block them with experimental drugs?
Here’s the clincher: What many people don’t realize is minerals are also important for your body’s healthy production and balance of digestive acids. Truth is many people suffer from a mineral deficiency, which leads to many health issues, including an HCL deficiency.
Nine out of ten people who think they have too much stomach acid are under producing digestive acid and would benefit from taking digestive enzymes (pepsin) and hydrochloric acid supplements.
One of the main minerals for optimum digestion is potassium. Potassium helps your body produce needed stomach acid (HCL). Plus, potassium also promotes a healthy alkaline pH balance needed for a strong heart, tissue and bones.Foods with potassium are apricots, avocado and lima beans.
“Change the way you look at the world and the way the world looks will change.”
Little Known Dietary Mistakes That Can Trigger Acid Reflux Symptoms:
If you eat food types in the wrong order, or drink immediately before, during or after meals you can trigger a temporary HCL deficiency.
Diluting your HCL makes it hard to digest your food; as a result, food stagnates and builds up in your gut forcing your digestive acids up toward your esophagus, triggering acid reflux and GERD symptoms.
Here’s Some Health Wise Tips:
Did you knoweating your proteins 5 to 10 minutes “before” your carbohydrates will help stimulate proper digestion? It’s true!
It may surprise you to know eating foods with carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables can cause an “alkaline reaction,” interfering with effective protein and starch digestion. Eating fruits and nuts together has the same negative effect on your digestion. Simply avoiding habits that neutralize your digestive juices will help reduce your acid reflux symptoms significantly.
Remember, you must be able to produce adequate digestive juices (HCL) for proper digestion. An HCL deficiency causes a chain reaction of events inside your body, which in turn inhibits many metabolic processes than just your digestion.
Here Are Some Serious Health Issues Triggered From HCL Deficiency:
- Inability to digest and absorb protein
- Inhibits vitamin B-complex cofactors
- Prevents essential mineral absorption
- Promotes anemia
- Accelerates bone density loss
- Encourages putrefactive bacteria
- Forces remaining caustic HCL into esophagus
Some Factors That May Trigger An HCL Deficiency Are:
- Extended use of antacids
- Prolonged use of anti-ulcer medications
- Mineral deficiencies
- Infections in the digestive tract
- Food allergies
- Milk consumption
- Stress
Some Natural Food Support Supplements To Help Proper Digestion Are:
- Naturally fermented products
- Lemon or lime juice
- Digestive enzymes
- Probiotics
- Vitamin B6 and B12
- Sulfur
- Zinc
The Pessimism of Disbelief
Now that you have a new way of looking at acid reflux and esophageal reflux disease (GERD), all you need is motivation to try a new approach to give you better results. I believe it’s only intelligent to be skeptical, yet too many people suffer from the “pessimism of disbelief” and have gotten so used to NOT getting results that they resist trying anything different — even though the old way may be literally killing them.
Frankly, withoutadequate digestive stomach acid(HCL), your body can’t absorb your calcium and other crucial minerals you need for strong bones, promote heart health and make more HCL. As you can clearly see, working to promote optimum digestion is the winning secret to living a healthy life.
One Last Warning About Acid-Blocking Drugs!
If you’re over 50 years old and have been taking prescription proton pump inhibitors(PPI)like Prilosec, Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid and Protonix, for at least a year there’s an increased probability you may suffer a fractured hip, according to Dr. Yu-Xiao Yang. The University of Pennsylvania reported in the Dec. 27, 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a correlation between people taking a class of powerful antacid drugs (proton pump inhibitors) and an increased risk of hip fractures, by as much as “260%.”
Fact is once your hip breaks, in that state you have a 25 percent chance of dying from it. If you do survive, it will cost you dearly and you may end up needing a wheel chair the rest of your life.
Acid blocking products have many adverse side effects caused from blocking the absorption of calcium, folic acid, iron, vitamin D and zinc, not to mention digestive enzymes and fluids. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook, Nutrition Science News, Sept. 1999
Prilosec, a PPI, has also been shown to block protein-bound vitamin B-12 absorption in a dose dependent manner, meaning the more Prilosec you take the greater your B-12 deficiency. A B-12 deficiency can cause “irreversible neurologic and cognitive deficits.” It is important to be aware of and understand this complication of Prilosec (omeprazole) therapy.Stefan P. Marcuard, MD, et al, Section of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, NC
The bad news is you don’t have to take expensive proton pump inhibitors to ruin your health; even cheap OTC antacids can mess with your head, as well as your general health. For one, they contain copious amounts of aluminum.
Aluminum is another common ingredient shown to have toxic effects on neurons and actually slows down the electrical function of calcium used by the synapses in your brain. The concern is aluminum may accumulate inside nerve cells.In other words, acid blockers not only inhibit the absorption of calcium in your digestive system, the aluminum also interferes with proper function of your brain, tissue and bone. Department of Pharmacology and Neurosciences Program, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
Bottom line, because all of these dangerous drugs block precious HCL levels, your natural ability to absorb calcium is halted, eventually breaking down mental and structural functionality.
I hope I’ve helped you see the importance seeking natural alternatives and making healthy lifestyle changes before you start consuming pharmaceutical gimmicks that often only make things worse.
Here’s Some More Health Wise Tips
For an example, avoiding foods that relax or weaken your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) like fatty or greasy foods, chocolate, tea, coffee, pop and alcohol would help. Don’t over fill your stomach or lay down after eating a meal.
This will help you lose weight, removing pressure off your stomach, too. If you smoke, cut back, or quit. Chewing gum helps sooth the digestion. Also, cut back on sugar, aspirin and processed foods. For bone density, other than avoiding phosphorous and calcium blocking antacids, exerciseis the best way to increase bone mass.
When heartburn is a problem, try two ounces of Aloe vera juice instead of an antacid.
Do your due diligence before taking any drug. Why just take my word for it? The science-based evidence is out there, you just need to look for it — or keep subscribing to Home Cures That Work (HCTW).
But, Why Then Would They Push These Drugs On Children?
The big problem is Big Pharma isn’t only targeting adults, now they are going for the big bucks: selling these same drugs to children.
You have to ask yourself, why would a 1 year old or even an 11 year old be suffering from chronic heartburn? The answer should be obvious. I mean seriously, a little indigestion doesn’t surprise me with some of the things children will eat. But, if they keep getting acid reflux, you’d think someone would make a “less invasive” adjustment than reaching for harmful prescription antacids.
But, thanks to direct-to consumer advertising, people are brand loyal to products they don’t even need. This way of advertising started way back in the 1950’s when Howdy Doody told kids to ask their parents to buy “Wonder Bread.” Now, it’s the Teletubbies and every other cartoon riddled with commercial suggestions, hypnotizing and conditioning their future shoppers.
Now the FDA had approved Nexium for children. This is a dangerous drug that inhibits digestive enzymes, kills probiotics, upsets pH and prevents the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Have we gone mad???
Give them some Chamomile tea, or an apple, but not Nexium!For the record, the most common effects of Nexium observed in the pediatric studies included headaches, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, constipation, stomach pain, dry mouth and fatigue. Other toxic effects that have been implicated are heightened rates of heart failure and heart disease in adults who used it over a long period of time. So, why not start young, right?
Despite drug manufacturers recommending “close monitoring,” there are clearly better, safer and more effective remedies than pharmaceutical drugs — especially for kids.
Did you know RAW apple cider vinegar is a great remedy for acid reflux and GERD? I think the worse side effect of apple cider vinegar is a bitter face. J Plus, the same things apply to kids as adults: don’t let them lay down after eating or feeding, cut back on pop and junk food and get them some exercise. Need I say more?
Again, I have to say acid reflux and GERD is NOT a drug deficiency.
Can’t we all just eat more RAW vegetables and fruits “in between” wholesome meals for balanced nutrition and good digestion? Keep in mind, if you eat a lot of animal protein, you’ll need to produce more stomach acid (HCL), digestive enzymes and probiotics to digest it all and all that comes from real food.
Variety is the spice of life, but moderation is the key to digestive wellness.
It’s better to eat in moderation and learn how to space-out eating proteins, carbohydrates and liquids during your meals. Of course, if all you eat is de-natured and processed foods and fail to nurture optimum health, then I guess that’s what drugs and surgery are for.
We teach our children and grandchildren by example, so make it a good example free of drugs.
How you address your acid reflux symptoms determines whether you’ll be naturally healthy or unnaturally sick. The power of choice is all yours.