Balance Low Testosterone Naturally
Low testosterone is one of those subjects that is typically whispered under someone’s breath. Its lack of recognition is comparable to “erectile dysfunction.” It is as if higher testosterone has become synonymous with masculinity!
But, there is absolutely no reason for this subject to be so hush, hush! A decline of testosterone as men age is as normal as its increase during puberty! It happens to EVERYONE!! So now that I’ve tried my best to relieve the stigma, let’s talk about low testosterone. What causes it, what are its symptoms, and how do you remedy it naturally?
The Causes of Low Testosterone
Like I stated above, low testosterone does come with age. Men as early as 40 can start feeling the effects of low testosterone. Some have labeled it “Male Menopause” or “Andropause.” Whatever you want to call it, it is real and it definitely deserves more attention.
But, low-T is not entirely simple. Let me explain.
- Age doesn’t just equal a lower production in free testosterone.
- It is the shift in the hormone production cycle that ultimately reduces testosterone.
As a man ages, the enzyme that converts his free testosterone into DHT (di-hydroxy testosterone) becomes more prevalent. You may recognize the hormone DHT, especially if you’re lacking in the hair department. Excess DHT likes to bond to both hair follicles and the prostate to can cause baldness and prostate problems. This conversion leaves less free testosterone in the body and more DHT, which is not a healthy balance.
Estrogen is another hormone that competes with free testosterone. If a man has too much estrogen, it tells the brain to turn the production of testosterone down. Everyone has seen a man with too much estrogen. Many times they look “soft” and may have visible breasts and a protruding belly.
What causes the spike in estrogen? Well, the cause can also be the effect – and vice versa. Stored fat from overeating can trigger the body to convert more of its testosterone to estrogen. Once the balance of estrogen is too high, the overall production of testosterone decreases.
The opposite can also happen. Estrogenic compounds exposed to or ingested, can cause the body to grow breasts and store excess fat. Again, the rise in estrogen turns down the production of testosterone. This is why, many times, just supplementing with testosterone may not fix anything. Balancing all the hormones is key, not just increasing testosterone.
Estrogenic compounds (xenoestrogens) are everywhere and are dangerous for anyone to be exposed to – man, woman, or child. They can cause hormone disruptions which precludes many health problems. Some examples of products containing xenoestrogens include:- Any food containing soy
- Cosmetics
- Sunscreens
- Fabric Softeners
- Plastic Containers
Low-T Symptoms
Before I list the obvious symptoms of low testosterone, I want to remind you again that every man will experience it in his lifetime. Symptoms or no symptoms, you may have low testosterone. I believe it is important for every man to get his testosterone levels checked in his 50s. There is more and more research coming out confirming the connection between low testosterone and the increased likelihood of many diseases and even death.
Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor and her colleagues at the University of California San Diego tracked 800 men in California with ages ranging from 50-91. They concluded from their study that men with low testosterone had a 33% greater risk of death over the next 18 years of their live, than men with higher testosterone.
Many other studies have been performed connecting low testosterone to a whole host of health problems. Those include:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Prostate cancer
This doesn’t even include the more talked about unwanted side effects like lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction. When I first learned about low testosterone, I was astounded by the domino effect of health issues that went along with it.
But again, you may not experience any of these more noticeable symptoms. Something as simple as fatigue or a loss of muscle mass can be a signal that testosterone levels are decreasing.
Treating Low-T
Now that you know the causes and symptoms of low testosterone, let’s talk about how to treat it. The most accurate and effective way is using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This combined with regular blood or saliva hormone lab tests will provide the most accurate results.
As I described above, just supplementing with straight testosterone may or may not fix your low-t issue. You could be low in a precursor to testosterone, like DHEA or progesterone. Also, your estrogen levels could be too high causing a decrease in testosterone production. This is why getting hormonal lab work is so important; experimenting with hormones is neither safe nor efficient.
Dealing with Excess Estrogen
If your lab work does show elevated estrogen, there are some really fantastic over-the-counter products on the market that can help. These can also be helpful if taken along side supplemental testosterone. Taking testosterone can naturally increase estrogen levels in the body due to an enzyme called aromatase.
One of my most favorite supplements for excess estrogen is Calcium d-glucarate. Calcium d-glucarate helps the liver detoxify toxins and excess hormones faster and more efficiently. It works by blocking an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. This enzyme slows the removal of hormones from the body. Blocking it, in turn speeds up the detoxification.Many people recommend calcium d-glucarate for the prevention of prostate and breast cancers. These cancers thrive on high estrogen. You can buy it alone or combined with other liver detoxifiers. My favorite formula is Liver Cleanse by Enzymatic Therapy. If taking it alone, I recommend 500 mg a day. (A tip for women reading this article: Calcium d-glucarate is also incredible for issues like PMS, PCOS, fertility issues, and painful periods.)
Another great estrogen balancer is Indole-3-Carbinol. This compound is naturally found in cruciferous vegetables. Eating about 2 lbs of broccoli a day can give you enough Indole-3-Carbinol for hormone balance. However, eating that much broccoli can negatively affect your thyroid due to it’s naturally contained goitrogens. Also, it’s pretty unrealistic to expect someone to eat that much broccoli every day! This is why I recommend taking Indole-3-Carbinol in supplement form.
The intestines convert Indole-3-Carbinol into a compound called DIM. DIM helps the body convert toxic estrogen (16-alpha-hydroxy-estrone) into a good and protective estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone). It also stimulates liver enzymes to increase detoxification. I recommend 400 mg a day of Indole-3-Carbinol.
Indole-3-Carbinol has many other benefits as well. Studies have shown that Indole-3-Carbinol can inhibit and treat prostate cancer! This is a huge breakthrough in natural medicine!
Natural Supplements for Higher Testosterone
If you would like to naturally increase your testosterone, without getting bioidentical hormone therapy replacement, there are many ways to do it. There are several herbs, vitamins, and minerals that work naturally to keep free testosterone high and competing hormones balanced at normal levels.
Some of the most popular natural testosterone boosting supplements are:
- Zinc (10-25 mg a day) – Deficiencies in zinc are common in those with low testosterone. It also helps prevent testosterone from converting into estrogen.
- If your levels are below 60ng, take 5,000 to 10,000 IU a day.
- If you are 60ng or above, take 1000-2000 IU a day.
Vitamin D – There are D receptors in your hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testes. All three of these produce hormones. I first recommend getting your vitamin D level tested.
Have your blood tested again after 6 months of supplementation. And, of course, the best source of vitamin D is the sun! Twenty minutes of exposure a day is ideal.
- Saw Palmetto – Saw Palmetto works by preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT, allowing more free testosterone in the body. This is why it is also fantastic for the prostate and for hair loss.
- Stinging Nettle – This is another great herb that prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Many prostate formulas will be a blend of Nettle, Saw Palmetto and Zinc. Buying them combined will save you money.
Adrenal Fatigue: Hidden Cause of Low-T
I typically don’t have a lot of male clients. My specialty is really women’s health. But when William (name changed) emailed me about his prostate issues, I immediately quizzed him about his hormone levels.
William was concerned, as was I, that his testosterone was too low. I immediately thought that too much of his free testosterone was converting into DHT. This is pretty standard for prostate problems. But, his hormone panel came back with a few surprises!
William’s DHEA levels were extremely low, as were his androstenedione and testosterone levels. DHEA and andro are made by the adrenal glands and are precursors to other hormones, including testosterone. These low levels spelled something very clear to me. William had adrenal fatigue.
After asking a few questions, it was clear that William over the last few years has had a lot of stress in his life. That stress had obviously done a number on his adrenal glands. His weakened adrenal could no longer produce the adequate amount of hormones his body needed to be at his best.
I recommended a few supplements for Williiam to help counter his stress and nourish his adrenal glands. I also had him stay clear of sugar and caffeine. Within 3 months, he was feeling like a new man!
I have also seen this happen over and over in women. Adrenal fatigue is pretty common among women, and most would never even begin to think that low testosterone could affect their health.
Low-T in Women
Men are not the only ones who can be affected by low testosterone. It can happen to women, too! Women need testosterone, just like men need estrogen. Thinking testosterone is a “man’s” hormone can cause women to neglect what may be affecting their quality of life!
Just like men, a woman’s testosterone lowers as she gets older. A woman has the greatest drop in testosterone and other hormones during menopause. Testosterone is very important in a woman’s body. Low levels of testosterone can cause several symptoms, the most noticeable being a lack of sex drive.
Testosterone is the hormone most responsible for a woman’s libido. Lacking sexual desire can be really hard on one’s marriage. Not only that, but low testosterone levels can also inhibit a women’s ability to orgasm and cause vaginal dryness. If you have these symptoms, please visit your doctor or natural health practitioner for a complete hormone panel.Testosterone in women is also important for muscle strength and hair growth. Most women worry about having too much testosterone because it can cause facial hair. They don’t realize too little testosterone can cause their hair to fall out and become thin.
As with men, I recommend women get their hormones tested. With women, I recommend to start by at least age 40. If the lab work shows low levels of any hormone (including testosterone), bioidentical hormones replacement therapy can be prescribed. It is most effective at raising a woman’s testosterone levels.
Balanced Hormones for Balanced Health
When your hormone levels are balanced, your health will be balanced. Boosting your testosterone levels naturally can increase your energy, strength and longevity. It’s not magic, but it can sure feel like it!
Take the time to change your life and reclaim your youthful energy! Just because you’re growing older doesn’t mean you have to feel older! If you take steps towards balanced hormones, you will feel the results.