Why Care about ObamaCare?
I don’t. And I never did.
Sure, it affects me. And, all negatively. For example, I got notice that my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% in January, 2014.
And get this. My coverage goes down. Way down. To add insult to injury, my co-pay goes up. As the final insult, my insurer’s network, the biggest in the state, is shrinking. Fast. And out of network practitioners are even more expensive.
Because of the increased costs, you’d think I’m part of the young healthy adult group that’s supposed to subsidize the elderly. The latter group’s coverage is supposed to be affordable. But, the opposite is true. I was Medicare eligible years ago.
Unbelievable? No. Totally expected.
No matter your age, if you look to Big Brother to come to your health rescue, I’m here to tell you, you’ll get substandard care. In fact, you’ll probably get discarded before your time. In other words, you’re profiled to die prematurely.
So, why don’t I care? Because I saw this coming years ago and took steps to defend myself. You can, too.
Consider This
According to the American Heart Association, 1.3 million angioplasty procedures and 448,000 bypass operations were performed in 2006. Total cost to Americans? Over $100 billion for these two procedures alone.
Can you afford to get seriously ill? If not, you’ll be interested in the Interheart study, published in September 2004 in The Lancet. Researchers followed 30,000 men and women on six continents and found changing lifestyle could prevent at least 90% of all heart disease.
Let this sink in.
The disease that accounts for more premature deaths and costs Americans more than any other illness is almost completely preventable simply by changing diet and lifestyle. And the same lifestyle changes that can prevent or even reverse heart disease also help prevent or reverse other chronic diseases, as well.
If your wellness and financial well-being are important to you, then start protecting yourself. Fight the tendency to depend on someone else to protect you.
Your strategy may be a simple two-step process.
Step #1 to Insure Your Maximum Wellness
Now I realize none of us is immune to disease, infections and injury. But you have TONS of control over your destiny. Take control of your health. Get independent.
I did, and identified “Seven Steps to Set You Up for Extreme Wellness.”
They’re simple:
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Nutritional Supplements
- Anti-Aging Medicine
- Lifestyle
- Stress Management
- Attitude
You may think you’re doing just fine and don’t need any more tips. As long as people feel okay, many get sucked into complacency and continue their bad habits. But under the surface, the consequences of bad habits insidiously accumulate until they erupt in the form of a heart attack, stroke or “sudden” onset diabetes or cancer.
Then it may be too late… and too costly for you. Often, the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is a fatal heart attack. And did you know some cancer can grow for over fifteen years before you see symptoms?
Think about this: Your body is constantly whispering to you. When you abuse it, you get little signals such as slight chest pain, gradual weight gain, fatigue, pressure, elevated blood pressure, gastric distress and more. When you ignore the whispers, your body will eventually shout so loudly that you can’t ignore it, if the shout doesn’t kill you.
Your body is the foundation for your life and probably your financial well-being. And you are the architect. You either limit your freedom from expense and disease, or you build an unstoppable machine that churns out energy, vitality and joy, elevating your life and the lives of those around you.
Every day you stay fit and eat well, the gap grows between health and disease. You either grow or regress. Nothing stands still. Ignoring your health speeds up deterioration… and cost. Positive action speeds up growth.
You do indeed have a great deal of control of your body’s intelligence, maintenance and rejuvenation. I explain these in detail in my book, Smart, Strong and Sexy at 100?
This includes health insurance against dementia. Avoid the life-sapping and wealth draining diseases of aging at all cost.
The seven steps will help make sure you continue, better than ever, without health interruptions.
If you want an even more streamlined list for basic yet potent wellness insurance purposes, here is what we recommend you take on a regular basis:
- Bioavailable glutathione
- High quality fish oil
- D3
- Others identified in my book
Maximum Life Foundation’s advisors estimate these top three supplements cost about $55 per month and could potentially slash health care costs in half. That means a savings in the U.S. of up to $1.2 trillion a year; year after year. The cost to supplement the 250 million adults would be about $165 billion annually. That comes out to a net annual savings of over $1 trillion—plus the benefits of increased productivity and less suffering. Good return on investment, don’t you think?
Is anyone awake in Washington? Seemingly “No.”
Step #2 – Financial Security
Aging and medical expenses will devastate the modern industrialized world… and maybe you… unless something is done to gain control over them.
For example, according to the Government Accountability Office, by 2020, more than half of all the US federal revenue will go to support the aging population. When interest on the national debt and Medicare are factored in, there will be only eight percent of the total left to pay for other federal programs.
A Harvard University study concluded that 50% of all bankruptcy filings in the U.S. are a direct result of excessive medical expenses. And with Obamacare, I predict it will get worse as your health care diminishes.
If ignored, the economic costs of aging will be five times the cost of the recent trillion dollar mortgage crisis. Meanwhile, Congress tries to figure out ways to give “free” care, and of course to tax to pay for the increasing costs of aging.
Can You See how Exposed You are?
Fifteen percent of America’s gross domestic product goes to medical care—or $8,233 for each person, according to the Health Data 2012 Report. The overall health care cost doubled from 1993 to 2004. Where are medical expenses headed? According to the National Coalition on Health Care, this trend will continue. By 2015, health care spending will soar to $4 trillion, or 20% of GDP.
Let’s conservatively say by incorporating at least one, if not several, tips in Smart, Strong and Sexy at 100?, you reduce your risk of disease by 50%. That means an additional $4,116 in your pocket—every year.
Living healthier and longer can make you money, not just save you money. Let’s say the information you get from this article gives you fifteen more healthy years. Do you have any idea what that can do for your financial security? If you compound your portfolio or retirement fund at 10% annual interest (roughly the historical average annual growth of the stock markets, including recessions), in less than fifteen years, you will quadruple the value of that account without adding one more penny.
Live even longer, and you can become wealthy. How wealthy? Add thirty years, and your account is worth 18 times as much. If you invest your annual $4,116 health expense savings, or even more, it goes up from there.
Why This is Critical
Let’s face it. Those who are going to get breakthrough medical treatment, or maybe even the bare necessities, are those who will be able to afford it. If you’re old and broke when you get sick, you might be out of luck. Don’t count on someone else taking care of you.
All your life, you have been told to save for the future, and you’re most certainly familiar with the magic of compound interest.
Do you realize socking away $30,000 in a segregated investment account that compounded at around 10% growth per year, would give you $500,000 in less than thirty years? (10% is roughly the historical annual growth of the stock market.) You may very well need that much to preserve your health.
In other words, $30,000 could be the difference between your extreme wellness or suffering and dying prematurely.
What if you don’t have $30,000? That’s easy. Save $3,000 now and $3,000 every year in the same type of account, and presto! You’ll have $500,000 in less than thirty years.
As we age, we may regret not having started saving years ago.
I have no idea what life-saving medical care will cost in the future, so plan for more, not less. When planning, factor in the insidious hidden tax called inflation.
Over the past ten years, inflation devoured 28% of your overall buying power. But medical care increased by an astounding 47%. And hospital and related services ballooned by 86% (U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics). So plan accordingly. If you err on the high side and save too much, won’t it be nice to be cured from whatever will ail you with a pile of money in the bank?
A little caution avoids great regrets. When it comes to your health and wealth, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
REMEMBER THIS: Your government does not care about you as a person. You are a number. Nothing more.
So keep fully insured physically and materially. Insurance is not for sale when you need it.
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