Low-T And The Invisible Man
The first time I heard the term “Low-T,” I assumed it was the latest incarnation of Heavy D, Ice T, or Jay Z. You know… the new urban rapper with a baritone voice. “-Sup? They call me Low-T. Yo!” I wasn’t even close!
So, when I saw that this month’s topic was “Low-T,” my initial thought was, “How in the world am I going to find a spiritual angle here???” and “I guess only guys will be reading this issue!” Actually, I hope the ladies will join us this month as we embark on our “mission” to understand low-T and rediscover the “invisible” man.Hormones on the Run
Before I go any further I would like to emphasize the serious nature of this hormonal decline and how it affects the body, soul and spirit of a man.
For years, we have heard about the devastating effect of menopause and how it can make life unbearable for women during their “change of life” season, usually in their late 40s or 50s.
Menopause is more than just the cessation of a woman’s monthly “period.” It is also a decline in the hormones that are part of what makes them female! So it stands to reason, when estrogen/progesterone levels diminish, they cause a myriad of physical and psychological issues that can make life miserable, cause friction in marriages and tension in family relations.
One of the most painful feelings women encounter during this “change” is that they believe they are less of a women. Some women grow hair under their nose and chin due to the slower decline of testosterone versus estrogen.
I am mentioning menopause in an article about low-T to drive home a point, though it has only received media attention over the last 25 years.
Low-T is indeed a nearly identical prognosis for a male, as menopause is to a woman. In fact, “manopause,” or its medically accepted title andropause, is merely male menopause with many of the same physical and psychological issues. It is characterized by a decline of testosterone (low-T) in males starting as early as their late 30s.
Manopause Hits Middle-Aged Men
Now that we can see this problem as a natural rite of passage that affects both males and females alike, we can now gain some inroads into some of the strange behavior surrounding the male “mid-life crisis.”
When I was in my 20s, one thing that puzzled me was the 50-something guy with the toupee, protruding belly, Italian horn necklace and a corvette that was hitting on girls that were my own age!
When I turned 50, I went to the doctor for a full exam and comprehensive blood work up. When I got the results, I realized why I had no desire to wear an Italian horn or buy a corvette. Beside a perfect exam, I had… high T! That’s right! I had ZERO decline of testosterone at age 50 and a sympathetic heart for those less fortunate.
Please understand, ladies. Men with low-T feel like less of a man. When a guy’s testosterone level drops, so does the old self-esteem. Low-T, or andropause, is the main reason men:
- Gain weight around the middle
- Grow breasts
- Lose hair
- Get fatigued
- Lose their libido
- Have impaired memory (recently scientists have discovered a link between andropause and Alzheimer’s disease in aging males)
- Become nervous or depressed
By design, the male psyche is wired differently then that of a female, which should come as no surprise.
In 1992, author John Gray wrote a book that sold 7 million copies and spent 121 weeks on the bestseller list. The title of John Gray’s book was, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus in which Gray was credited with the term, “man cave.”
You see, from the beginning of human history men were hunters and providers, following their primal or first instincts to guide and provide. Women’s roles were significantly different in that they were companions, helpers and eventually mothers. Thus, physiological changes –
- Because of a radically decreased lifespan…
- For lack of any real life…
- Compared with no printed examples…
Would have been considered normal.
Before you even think there is a hint of chauvinism in this post, rest at ease because nothing could be further from the truth! I am merely bringing light to an extremely important imbalance, that next to war and religion, has contributed greatly to the fall of the western civilization.
Bible Secrets on Steroids
In Genesis 2:7, we find the beginning of God’s design for mankind.
“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
Genesis 1 is an account of what God accomplished in 6 days. (Note: remember with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.) Genesis 2 is the account of the creation of the first human beings, Adam and Eve. So in verse 7, God creates Adam and in verse 15 we read,
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Now let’s look at verses 18-25:
“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’Then the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a women from the rib he had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man’.
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is UNITED to his wife. And they become ONE flesh.
Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.”
Let me add one more thing. Not only did the Lord God let Adam name the female of the species “woman,” we read in chapter 3:20 –
“Adam named his wife Eve, because she would BECOME the mother of all the living.”
Dangers Destroying Men
As a child of the 60s, I remember seeing women marching in the streets with signs that read, “Equality the time is now” and “ Women’s liberation” but none as telling as, “We’ve come a long way baby.” Public bra burnings followed and two books that were touted as feminist manifestos, Spare Rib and Off Our Backs were circulated through the female populace.
Though there were certainly others, Gloria Steinem was hailed as the spokeswoman for the women’s liberation movement and co-founded Ms. magazine. I won’t take the time in this post, but if you care to investigate her early life in Wikipedia, you will quickly realize that the offense that precipitated her activism had nothing to do with her father at all. Unfortunately, American woman by the thousands shouldered Ms. Steinem’s offense and the rest is, well, history.
You see dear reader, it will serve us well not to allow our myopia to skew our view of historical truth. God never intended His creation to launch a war of the sexes. He designed us to be one.
Men were created to lead, but not dominate, like a beautifully choreographed dance. If no one leads, chaos ensues and both dancers trip and fall to the ground.
God designed specific roles for males and females to play. When we stay in our own lane, life is a symphony. When we cross roles, it becomes a dirge.
If you are moved by statistics, do a little homework this week and look at the astronomical rise of homosexuality, divorce, idolatry, mortality rates, corruption and loss of innocence since 1960. You will be shocked.
I remember seeing a preview for a new premiere called, “Desperate Housewives.” I told my wife Lillian, “This show will literally change the sexual demographics of America.” And it did. A new name was applied to middle aged women who prey on teenage boys: “Cougar.” You can find them frequenting mall food courts looking for a conquest, while their husbands work to support them.
Maybe now you are beginning to understand my title, “Low-T And The Invisible Man.” Thanks to feminism, Hollywood’s perverted morality fuels that fire and an imaginary division between male and female human beings. Real men are disappearing. They are being assimilated by an emasculated culture!Whenever man tries to defy God’s divine order, chaos inevitably follows. I am in no way justifying men abusing women, chauvinism, sexual harassment, or a male dominated society. What I am justifying is God’s divine order of leadership, which is not debatable.
To the invisible man, chivalry is not dead, even though it may seem like it.
- Open a door for a lady.
- Walk closest to the traffic when escorting a lady on a busy intersection.
- Buy flowers often.
- Be assertive, order for her in a restaurant.
We live in an emasculated society. Don’t become a passive pawn. BE A MAN!
It’s funny – everywhere I go women ask me, “Do you have a brother?” Why do they ask me that? Because a Godly man who knows his place is an anomaly in today’s “light in the loincloth” society. The same woman that feel threatened by men melt when they come in contact with a genuine one!
If you are suffering from low-T, we will suggest surefire remedies in this publication that will help you feel like a man again, but the rest is up to you!
Menopause and andropause are treatable, but the hatred generated by an imaginary division between the sexes is an affront to God and is best dealt with the old fashion way, on our knees.
As always, it is an honor to share my view of this month’s topic. I pray all of us will rediscover God’s romance and the reason God created us both male and female.
Do you believe God created men and women to be at odds with each other?
What is a man’s place in the home?
What is a woman’s place in the home
Did the rebellion of the 60’s feminist movement improve America?