Avoiding Acid Reflux Flare-ups With These Simple Food Rules
Anyone who suffers from heartburn or acid reflux knows that there is nothing more annoying then the build up of pain in the chest and esophagus.
Fortunately, you do not have to resort to prescription drugs or chemical concoctions for relief. All you need to do is be patient, eat right for the condition, avoid trigger foods and use a little home remedy knowledge.
What Causes Reflux Flare-ups
Before we get to the Rules, it might be helpful to understand what causes this painful buildup of stomach acids. Our stomach contains acids that aid in the breakdown of the foods we eat.
Acid reflux occurs when these digestive liquids leak or “reflux” back up into the esophagus through the esophageal sphincter. This acidic liquid can cause inflammation and can even cause severe damage to the lining of the esophagus.
Rule #1: Acid Reflux Trigger Foods
The first food Rule is to know what foods trigger acid reflux.
Main Acid Reflux Trigger Foods:
- Fatty foods – especially deep fried
- Chocolate
- Caffeinated beverages
- Tomatoes
- Citrus fruits
- Sugary foods
- Red and processed meats
These trigger foods cause the esophageal sphincter muscle to relax and let the stomach contents move freely upward.
Rule #2: Eating For Your Condition
The second Rule is eating right for the condition. You should eat a predominantly low fat, vegetarian diet, choosing acid reducing proteins such as fish, eggs, legumes, wild rice and non-wheat flours.
Other important foods you will want to put into your regular diet are:
- Probiotics: Probiotic acidophilus bifidus combats the acid imbalance in your body, take powder capsules as needed and heartburn should subside within 30 minutes.
- Yogurt: Yogurt also contains acidophilus bifidus.
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Take 2-4 tablespoons before each meal.
Only YOU can do what it takes to make the change. Include these lifestyles changes, if necessary, to avoid acid reflux flare-ups:
-Quite smoking
-Avoid or limit alcohol
-No greasy fast food
-Loose weight, if needed
-Drink only between meals
Portion control is a very important remedy of a low acid diet. Eat smaller meals (portions should be no larger than the size of your fist) and make sure you eat your last meal of the day at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Rule #3: You Are Your Best Tool
The third Rule is you. You know and understand your body better then anyone and you alone can distinguish trigger foods from safe foods. Keeping a journal of foods that constantly cause you pain will help you understand what is causing your acid reflux flare-ups. Other triggers can be stress, certain exercise routines and sleeping habits. Find them, learn them and make sure you exclude them from your daily diet and daily activities.
Rule #4: Collect Acid Reflux Friendly Recipes
For recipes that are acid reflux free please get our Reflux Remedy Tasty Recipes book. You can get that for free by clicking here: