Clearing Up The Mystery of Adult Acne
A skin pathology can reflect the health of the intestinal tract. Follow your gut and get the clearance you need for a beautiful and fresh, acne-free face.
Dear Grandma,I am adult woman with acne. What are your natural suggestions for treating imperfections of the skin?
Thanks, Gracie Donald
Dear Gracie,
I know others like you who are well into their adult years and still have acne – or psoriasis.
The first thing I would tell you to get your skin healthy is to get your gut healthy! Your skin is a reflection of how well your intestines are functioning. If your intestines aren’t purging waste, then toxins are forced to come to the skin for elimination, causing acne and psoriasis.
One link between intestinal health and skin problems is from eating too much milk and dairy products. Just like acne on the face, pockets form in the large intestines that need to be popped – or pooped! So, try staying away from dairy for a month and make it an effort to eat more fiber-filled foods. Sugar can also create inflammation in the gut, so stay off the sweets for a while, as well as any processed foods – which are never good for you anyway. This can help regulate any hormone imbalance to boot that might cause acne. I would have to add that when I’ve done any type of cleanse (colon or kidney), my skin has markedly improved in complexion.
General rules of thumb for better skin is to drink lots of water and get at least some form of light exercise. You can even do a skin test to see if you are getting enough water: pinch your skin on the hand and it bounces back, then you are drinking enough. But, if the skin looks like a “tent” after your pinch, then its lost its elasticity and you need to drink some more H2O.
Gracie, here are some pointers I gathered for you.
“Insider Tips”
- Don’t over-clean your face – natural oils are good
- Treat acne spots with organic tea tree oil
- Use a clean pillow case every night
- Use a sulphate-free face wash
- Try this Cucumber Milk Cleanser: juice a cucumber, add enough milk to wash your face, rinse with lukewarm water
By the way, I tend to notice that after I eat chocolate, my face gets blemishes. I haven’t researched this yet, but watch the chocolate cravings! To a more beautiful you!