5 Ways to Dump Diabetes
Instead of dumping a friend, a new partnership develops to dump diabetes with the help of 5 insulin-reducing tips. Care for someone you love with diabetes and invest in building confidence that diabetes can be reversed.
Someone approached me with this scenario recently:
I have a number of friends who are diabetic. I am surprised by the wide variety of means I see them cope with the disease. I am concerned about one in particular, who always seems to end up in the hospital. She said it is not because of her diabetes, but whatever the case I feel like I want to help her manage her diabetes better. So, instead of looking at her insulin pump and reaching for the pie, I want to support her. What should I say? How can I help?
This is one of those sensitive matters that could either be addressed head on or in a round about way. Some people don’t take direct “help” to their problems – or “issues” today as they call it. It seems like your friend might be in denial a little bit about the severity of her diabetes.
My suggestion would be not to just urge her to be more careful, but assist her or provide her with education about how to control diabetes that doesn’t appear overwhelming. My suspicion is you will have to be gentle with her about this. You’ll have to choose the right words to say and reassure her concerns that controlling diabetes can be simple. The best way to approach this is to give her tools to empower her to make better decisions regarding her blood sugar.
Here are some insulin-reducing suggestions :
1. Walk the Line
Every pound you loose can improve your health. Walking is extremely beneficial for a diabetic’s body. Increased physical activity has been proven to help the body utilize insulin more efficiently, which can decrease the need for insulin by 30-40%. When you exercise, insulin receptors multiply to move your blood sugar into your cells, rather than bottle necking in your blood stream.
2. Cinn a Little
While the powdered form of cinnamon may not do much on toast in the morning to change sugar levels, the cinnamon powdered bark in capsule form can make a difference with LDL and blood sugar levels. Cinnamon works in the muscle tissues to enhance insulin’s performance.
3. Free Yourself Up
Fiber is beneficial as a “non-carb” that assists the stomach’s digestion by delaying emptying. This reduces the starches and sugars released into the blood stream and prevents sugar spikes. Look for soluble fiber in oatmeal and oat bran.
4. Go for the Java
A Harvard study indicated that coffee lovers who enjoy 4+ cups a day lower their risk of diabetes type II. By boosting your metabolism and providing antioxidants, as well as magnesium, coffee helps absorb sugar.
5. Go Sour
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been known to slow the rise of blood sugar. After meals, ACV can help avoid the affects of a glucose spike by absorbing starch and carbohydrates and inhibit enzymes in digestion. Enjoy vinaigrette on a salad before eating that fettuccine.
Diabetes needs daily monitoring and good habits to prevent problematic complications, such as the above friend is experiencing. These are just a few ideas to point a friend with diabetes in the right direction. Give your friend a boost of confidence with these good health suggestions to help make smart diabetes choices. Become a partner in her transformation, but give her the control over her blood sugar.
One last note…Barton Publishing has a webinar with Dr. Saunders that addresses the many facets, realities, troubles and solutions for type 2 diabetes. Anybody can join and ask questions. I am confident you’ll find even more answers! Register here: