Hertz That Heal
Music is unquestionably a potent modality of healing and has been around since the beginning of time. Initially, man created a crude drum to mimic the sound of thunder. They believed that God was thunder and were trying to communicate with Him. Later, man mused that God was the wind and made flutes out of hollow bird bones to mimic the sound of wind in another attempt to contact God.
Music is a universal language that removes language barriers. It is also a powerful communication tool that brings people together.
From our first social bonding as infants to the funeral rites that mark our passing, music plays an important role in our lives, bringing us closer to one another. It has the uncanny ability to provoke the sense of a shared human experience despite its myriad forms across continents and throughout centuries.
Have you ever noticed that hearing a familiar song on the radio can instantly transport you back to a particular event in your life?
Is it any wonder that one of fastest growing fields of study and vocation today is that of music therapy? Music therapists are finding new effective inroads with Alzheimer patients, stroke survivors and people suffering with insomnia. In fact, music appears to have a profound effect on several types of disease.
Clinical studies have also shown that music can help:- Manage pain
- Improve mood and mobility of Parkinson’s sufferers
- Reduce the need for sedatives and pain relievers after surgery
- Shorten hospital stays
- Relieve anxiety
- Lower blood pressure
- Ease depression
- Enhance focus and creativity
And music can do all of this without prescription medication. Music is a source of security and—perhaps most importantly—joy. Music therapists agree that spending at least 15 minutes a day listening to music without any distractions can change your life!
Music as Therapy
While I am excited about the current renaissance of music therapy, I must also temper my excitement with one concern. I don’t believe that one must be a certified therapist in order to administer music therapeutically.
I have nothing but respect for ANYONE who chooses to make a career of music therapy. However, if we are not careful, we will find ourselves stuck in the same quagmire as with the government regulating our healthcare. The government should not interfere with our ability to treat ourselves with music.
All that is needed for effective music therapy is a peaceful environment and the right music! And as you will find out in a moment, there is another factor that can empower music to literally affect matter and thus…stimulate spontaneous healing in your body.
Frequency as Therapy
Are you familiar with the word, “frequency?” A frequency is a measure of vibration or energy. Every object possesses a resonant frequency. Resonance is the phenomenon that occurs when a sound frequency matches the resonant frequency of a physical object.
Think of it as transmitting and receiving. When you listen to a song on the radio, the radio station transmits a signal and your radio receives it. That signal you are receiving is a frequency. Every radio station broadcasts on a different frequency, which allows them to be differentiated on the FM or AM bandwidth.
When matching frequencies occur, it is called, “sympathetic resonance.” Here is my working definition:
“Sympathetic resonance, or sympathetic vibration, is a harmonic phenomenon, wherein a formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness.”
Here’s an example. When sharing a thought, you might have heard this response, “That really resonates with me,” or “I feel you.” In essence, when there is an identically shared thought or feeling with another person, this is sympathetic resonance manifesting. And it is powerful.
You can tell when you are on the same wavelength as another person when they finish your sentence before you do! I have a close friend that does this with me often and my response is, “Get out of my head!”
You can probably recall times when you instantly felt a common bond or connection with someone you just met and immediately enjoyed being around that person.
Likewise, you may remember meeting someone and couldn’t get away fast enough. Believe it or not, it all boils down to positive or negative vibration.
In October of 1966, the Beach Boys released their hit song, Good Vibrations. Let’s take a look at the lyrics of the chorus.
“I’m pickin’ up good vibrations…good, good, good, good vibrations. She’s giving me excitations.”
In other words, one person is detecting good vibrations because another person is sending good vibrations. Plus, the one receiving them is excited! This is a perfect explanation of naturally occurring phenomena. Energy is transmitted; energy is received and energy (or matter) is excited.
This would explain Proverbs 18:21. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
When you speak, your tongue and voice box vibrates. Depending upon the motivations of your heart, your words will create life or death, blessing or cursing.
If you are constantly saying, “My car is a piece of junk, it is always breaking down!” then chances are you will have the repair bills to prove it! You shall have whatever you say. Your words create or they destroy.
Now let me take it to another level…even your thoughts are frequencies!
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
So maybe now you understand the amazing power of frequencies…they can change matter!
Now with your newfound understanding of frequencies, imagine combining frequency with music therapy. Welcome to Wholetones: The Sound Of Healing.
Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project
I have recently released a healing frequency project, Wholetones, with over 18 years of research behind it. Wholetones combines instrumental music with proven healing frequencies to introduce wholeness and well-being to the body. The music is not like ANYTHING you have ever experienced before.
Based on a tuning used over 3,000 years ago by King David and matched with corresponding frequencies (396Hz, 417Hz, 444Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz and 852Hz), Wholetones is unparalleled in its effectiveness.
The 7 CDs are recorded with ultra high fidelity using a state of the art duplication process. This ensures the listener is receiving a product with the ultimate sonic integrity.
If this sounds a bit difficult to understand, fear not! I have written a 91-page book, Wholetones: The Sound of Healing, which will explain EVERYTHING in detail. And the best part…it is included in one package with the music CDs!
And now the big question, “Does it work?” YES! But, don’t take my word for it! Read the testimonials, watch the videos, and listen to the music samples free of charge here: www.wholetones.com.
As you probably know, Barton Publishing and Home Cures That Work have been around for years and enjoy international readership. I can attest that Barton Publishing maintains a high level of integrity and offers credible solutions for your health and well-being.For this reason, Barton Publishing was my first choice to distribute Wholetones to you. I am happy to report that the testimonials are pouring in and our initial order sold out in a matter of weeks! By the time you read this article, thousands will have already experienced what I am sharing with you now.
Frequencies are nothing new. In fact, when you read the accounts of creation in the Bible in the Book of Genesis, everything began with the thunderous vibrations of God’s voice. The only thing that is “new” about frequency is our understanding of it.
“Wholetones” was created to do just that!
I am currently traveling the 2014-2015 Winter to personally introduce Wholetones at launch parties across the country. So far, the response has been nothing short of amazing. Hopefully, I will meet some of you in person on the road! Check out our Facebook page to see if Wholetones is coming to your area!
Visit our website, www.wholetones.com to find a wealth of insight and ordering information. The frequencies and instrumental music you hear could have a profound effect on your body.