The Miracle of Music on Your Health
Music is a miracle….
It speaks to us, causes our heart to swell, and jolts us down to our bones.
Like a time machine, it transports us to places and times decades before.
It pulls from us emotions down so deep, we can’t seem to reach them by our own will, inducing feelings of love, loss, hope, and triumph.
Music inadvertently demands our body to move, our feet to tap, our head to shake, and our body to sway.
I remember the first time I saw the clip from the documentary entitled, Alive Inside. Tears streamed down my face as I watched a man named Henry, who could barely speak, transform before my eyes. Henry’s dementia had progressed to the point where he didn’t recognize his own daughter. His words were barely understandable and he sat most days with his body slumped over, looking down at his own legs.
I watched as they loaded an iPod with some of Henry’s favorite old gospel tunes and headphones were placed over his ears. Within seconds, he looked up, his eyes wide and his face aglow. He began to move his body and then sing along to the music. After a few minutes, they took the headphones off his head and began to ask him questions. He was alert and answered their questions quickly and with a clearness that he lacked before. The music awakened him, activating neural pathways in his brain that connected him to his identity and past memories. Music brought Henry to life and it can do the same…and so much more for you.
Sound Waves in Medicine
The foundation of music is composed of sound waves and frequencies. Modern medicine has used these sound waves to see inside patient’s bodies. Chances are, someone you know has undergone an ultrasound exam.
Ultrasound is a science built upon the simple sound wave. They use these frequencies to diagnose abnormalities in the body or evaluate babies in utero. High frequency sounds waves are sent into the body, acting similar to SONAR used by submarines or echolocation used by bats and dolphins.
When these waves hit your organs and tissues they bounce back. The machine calculates the speed of return of the sound and creates an image on the screen. More recent ultrasound machines have upgraded from a 2D image to a 3D image, which is absolutely amazing. Women can actually see their baby’s face while they are still in the womb!
Ultrasounds are also useful for many forms of diagnosis like tumors, heart defects, and kidney stones. In fact, they are the most utilized form of diagnostic imaging available today – after X-ray exams.
But now, science is discovering that sound waves are not only useful for the images they can produce, but for the healing of tissue! The University of Cincinnati recently published results from using sound waves to heal wounds that would otherwise be very difficult to repair.
Diabetic and pressure ulcers can take months to heal, if they heal at all, do to lack of circulation. However, with the use of high frequencies sound waves, capillary networks are stimulated and circulation is enhanced. The research showed an improvement of up to 50% in the growth of blood vessel networks. This is a huge discovery and could save potentially millions of people from unnecessary infections, loss of limbs, and prolonged pain.
Another type of sound wave therapy called MIST uses saline solution and ultrasound waves to heal difficult wounds. MIST therapy has shown significant results over an 8 month study. This method of healing “from the inside out” can potentially save lives… and even save limbs from amputation. It is also saving thousands of dollars per patient in treatments and pain relief measures. This is because sound wave and frequency therapies are not only painless and effective at healing, but cost effective, as well.
Sounds vibrations ability to heal is not a new discovery. In the early 1900s, a handful of doctors began using certain frequencies to heal the body of diseases by killing bacteria and viruses with vibrations. Although their results were positive and many people were healed, they were shut down by threats from large drug corporations after they refused to sell their information.
Dr. Royal Rife, the pioneer of these vibration treatments, believed that every disease had it’s own unique frequency. He discovered that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. He claimed that certain sound frequencies could destroy particular diseases. Higher frequencies could destroy diseases of lower frequencies.
Living in a world of frequencies and vibration, we are part of the whole system. Every cell of our body vibrates – everything has its optimal frequency. The human body has a frequency between 62-78. As the frequencies decrease, sickness and disease can result.
To get an idea of the frequencies of the human body, read the chart below.
- Genius Brain Frequency 80-82 MHz
- Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz
- Human Body 62-78 MHz
- Thyroid and Parathyroid glands are 62-68 MHz
- Thymus Gland is 65-68 MHz
- Heart is 67-70 MHz
- Lungs are 58-65 MHz
- Liver is 55-60 MHz
- Pancreas is 60-80 MHz
- Colds and Flu start at 57-60 MHz
- Disease starts at 58 MHz
- Candida overgrowth starts at 55 MHz
- Receptive to Epstein Barr at 52 MHz
- Receptive to Cancer at 42 MHz
- Death begins at 25 MHz
Though Dr. Rife was able to isolate and kill bacteria and viruses with his machines, he was called a quack and his work discredited. Rife and his colleagues were criticized and eventually shut down due to pressure from big drug companies. However, his work is still used today and his study of the body’s different frequencies have proven very useful.
Rife’s machines helped heal many people and showed promising results. Today, Rife machines (though they were never FDA approved) are used by some alternative practitioners to destroy parasites and fungi inside the body. It would generate frequencies of exactly the same vibratory rates as the bacteria and “shatter” them. Using frequencies instead of pharmaceutical drugs offers a fast and non-toxic way to eliminate these disease causing microorganisms from the body.
The Sound of Music
Sound, vibration and frequency through music play a fundamental role in your body. Certain frequencies heard by our ears, felt by our body, and processed by our brains, contain the ability to profoundly affect us by:- Reducing stress
- Increasing concentration
- Balancing hormones
- Increasing energy
- Lower blood pressure
- Improve your memory
- Sleep more soundly
- And so much more!
This is not a new discovery. In fact, sound’s ability to heal can be traced all the way back to King David of the Bible! King Saul could not seem to function without the sound of David’s harp. Many have come to the understanding that the sounds and frequencies from David’s harp actually brought healing to Saul’s distress!
When our body is “out of tune,” or to put it literally, “our frequency is not in the normal range,” listening to the correct frequencies bring our bodies back into tune. Music has the ability to bring this healing attunement to our bodies. Sound waves enter into our body and move atoms around, rearranging our cellular structure. This puts our body back in a well-functioning state, creating health and lowered stress.
Several studies have been performed on music’s effects on plants. A woman named Dorothy Retallack placed three groups of plants in glass enclosures, and played various types of music to the plants for a period of 30 days.
- The first group of plants were played rock music and the plants actually leaned away from the speakers in an attempt to get away from the sounds. Their leaves were small and by the 16th day they were dying.
- The second group of plants listened to Bach and classical music and the plants leaned towards the speaker and grew healthy and strong.
- The third group was played Indian sitar music and the plants leaned towards the speakers trying desperately to get to the sound. The plants played the Indian music were the healthiest of the three.
Dorothy said of the experiment, “If this is what this music does to plants, what is it doing to our children?”
Dorothy poses a great question. Could part of our health crisis in the world today be due to the music we listen to? Walking down the street today, you will see nearly every teenager or young adult with earphones in, listening to music. Music is more influential and more accessible that it has ever been before. Its lyrics help shape our thoughts and its frequencies can have a profound affect on the health of our bodies. These destructive frequencies entertain thoughts towards disruption, disharmony, and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body — the brain — into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease.
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” Albert Einstein
There are many other contributors that change our God-given body frequencies.
- Genetically modified foods
- Chemicals in our air, water, and food
- EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other devices
- Stress
- Drugs (pharmaceutical, over the counter, and recreational)
- Smoking
- Lack of exercise
- Dehydration
GMO foods, chemicals, and drugs are man-made, lab created substances that negatively affect our body’s healthy frequencies by lowering our vibration. These toxic substances penetrate our body and mind disturbing the vibration of our cells, down to our very atoms. These artificial compositions initiate immune responses in the body, which lead to inflammation, allergies, fatigue, and even chronic disease. Little by little, things like stress, smoking, and electromagnetic frequencies chip away at our vibration and, likewise, our wellbeing. Our body’s vibration stunted and we are left vulnerable to devastations of the body like depression or even cancer
Living with chronic illnesses, headaches, fatigue, and depression that originate from altered frequencies can be devastating. The good news is that music can bring balance and wholeness to your body. When we are “tuned” to the right frequency we feel better, think clearer, and have an increased capacity to connect to God. The human body is composed of nearly 80 percent water. Music sends vibrations into our body’s fluid that resonate to its frequencies. These frequencies entrain our physical matter, revolutionizing our entire being body, mind, and soul!
Music’s sound waves tune our body depending on the Hertz of the music. Hertz is the measurement of sound frequency. I have personally used certain sound frequencies to help myself focus for exams or to help me sleep better at night. Although I found them helpful, the sound can repetitive and annoying. I had a difficult time motivating myself to use them again.
But now a friend of mine, Michael Tyrrell, who has studied the use of music to heal the body for decades, has put together an album of music that harnesses the power of different healing frequencies. These are not just sounds! Rather, they are songs! The result is multiple waves of inherently good frequencies to help heal various parts of the body.
His songs transmit the correct hertz of healing while giving the listener something soothing and enjoyable to listen to. I don’t have to listen to the annoying buzzing and tapping sounds from the YouTube frequency videos any longer. Instead, I can listen to the pleasant songs that accompany Michael’s healing set of music called Wholetones: The Healing Music Frequency Project. The testimony from his journey of discovering these sounds, to the healing he has seen occur from them, is absolutely life changing.
Michael uses 7 different frequencies that specifically address the body in different ways.
- 395 Hz – Supports blood, liver function, bones, brain health and kidney function.
- 417Hz – Increases energy, productivity, and creativity. Also helps resolve issues of the stomach and aids in digestion. It can also positively affect gallbladder, metabolism, headaches, and lower back pain.
- 444Hz – Helps bring peace during stressful times.
- 528Hz – Can heal broken DNA which is the root cause of illness and disease. It also balances hormones, and stimulates lymphatic system. Also called the “love” frequency, it can help open your heart.
- 639 Hz – Encourages forgiveness and peace in your life and relationships. It can also boost your endocrine system and help heal your adrenal glands and gallbladder.
- 741Hz – Provides deep spiritual and emotional healing. Brings awareness of your spirit within while gently cleansing your immune system.
- 852 Hz – A spiritual song, it celebrates our God and creator and connects us with Him.
You are truly missing out on a miracle of healing if you don’t take advantage of this healing music! For those of you who have tried everything to get well, from medicine to diet, with no results, music many be what sets you free from your disease! Imagine how a positive song + a positive frequency can uplift our physical health, awareness and love.
From awakening dementia patients like Henry, to diagnosing disease, to healing our body, sound is truly a miracle. It is painless, easily administered, and low-cost. Why not let music be your healing?
From your mind to the depths of you soul, music and the frequencies it produces have the ability to transform you. Sounds can create life inside your body and spirit where you’ve felt numb or broken. So throw on your headphones and let the sounds of healing music sweep you away, washing healing sounds over you reconstructing your body. Don’t wait any longer! Start today!