Changing Our Paradigm about Cancer Treatment
How to Naturally Kill Cancer
For at least 3000 years, bloodletting was practiced by the established medical community as a remedy for numerous ailments. In fact, bloodletting was not abandoned until the late 19th century.[1] Many attribute the untimely death of President George Washington to this practice after he developed a fever and respiratory problems.
Interestingly, about a hundred years before the practice of bloodletting ceased, there was much controversy among medical doctors about whether the practice was helpful or harmful to patients. Some physicians viewed the practice as “murderous,” while others sang its praises.[2]
Although the history of cancer treatment through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation spans a much shorter timeframe, we are beginning to experience the same pattern of controversy over these highly invasive and toxic practices.Scores of medical doctors are starting to question modern cancer treatments—and for good reason. Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, NMD, DO, recently made the startling announcement that the medical community itself estimates that by the year 2020, more than half of all cancers will be medically induced from drugs or radiation treatment. He went on to say, “Our medical establishment itself will soon become the leading cause of cancer in America.”[3]
In 1994, when retired Air Force Colonel Bill Henderson’s wife died after a four-year bout with ovarian cancer, Bill became convinced that her death was actually caused by her numerous operations and chemotherapy treatments rather than by the cancer itself. After her death, Bill set out on a quest to discover what he could about these conventional cancer treatments and whether there were any alternative, more natural treatments that have showed success.[4]
While some may no doubt take offense at his brashness, Bill doesn’t pull any punches when he refers to current accepted cancer treatments as: “cut, burn and poison.”[5] These terms, of course, are a reference to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
In truth, these forms of cancer treatment are so widely accepted today that many find it preposterous to even question them. However, if we stand back and consider what we know, especially about radiation and chemotherapy, these treatments are highly toxic to the body. In fact, “the very drugs used to fight cancer are cancer-causing chemicals!”[6]
Tamoxifen, the most common chemotherapy drug administered to women with breast cancer is classified as a carcinogen by both the American Cancer Society and the World Health Organization. According to the American Cancer Society, chemotherapy was discovered originally by the US Army while experimenting with mustard gas.[7]
According to Dr. Ray Strand, MD, “Oxidative stress is the underlying cause of almost all chronic diseases,” including cancer.[8] Both radiation and toxic chemotherapy drugs are known to cause oxidative stress in the body.[9]
Do these toxic chemicals kill cancer cells? Yes, but they also indiscriminately kill healthy cells as well and make a patient vulnerable to life-threatening infections.
If these cancer treatments are so toxic, why does the medical community still prescribe their use? In one word, the answer to that question is MONEY. Cancer treatments constitute a multi-billion dollar industry and doctors are taught to prescribe drugs “to control symptoms, not address causes and actually prevent disease. Less than one percent of healthcare dollars are spent on what might be called preventative medicine.”[10] Given their biased training, they see no other alternatives.[11]
How to Kill Cancer
In spite of the current dominant practice of prescribing drugs for cancer, there are certain principles around cancer treatment that are universally accepted.[12] These principles include:
Strengthen the immune system.
Everyone has cancer cells in their bodies. But with a healthy immune system our bodies fight off the cancer and we aren’t even aware of the battle that’s being fought.
Increase the oxygenation of the blood.
Cancer cells are anaerobic requiring sugar instead of oxygen to thrive. Oxygen is the secret weapon against cancer cells. Oxygen kills cancer cells while it renders healthy cells more vibrant.[13]
Detoxify the body.
We take in toxins all the time through what we eat, drink, breathe, and through our skin. Many of these toxins are carcinogens, but all of them compromise the immune system.
How well do radiation and chemotherapy promote these three universal principles? In particular, both radiation and chemotherapy are highly toxic to the human body. They tear down the immune system and blast the body with toxins.
According to their own literature, after five years of chemotherapy, only 2.1 percent of cancer patients will survive.[14] Again, chemotherapy destroys the immune system, destroying the body’s NK (natural killer) cells needed to kill the cancer, and chemo destroys one’s quality of life.
If there’s any doubt about the toxic nature of chemotherapy, why is it that it makes people so sick? Why do women on Tamoxifen lose their hair? These are results of a toxin being introduced to the body. If these substances were good for us they would bolster our immune system rather than destroy it.
How to Fight Cancer and Win
If the above principles are true, then there are some simple, natural ways that you and I can help prevent cancer and beat it if we already have it. So how do we strengthen our immune system, oxygenate our blood, and detoxify our bodies?
1. Follow a healthy eating plan.
“Dr. Strand explains that every chronic disease is the result of bad nutrition on the cellular level.”[15] To the extent possible, eliminate sugar, processed foods, and fast food from your diet. Eat smaller portions and make sure you’re getting plenty of raw, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Eat organically grown foods to avoid pesticides, chemicals and hormones that are often introduced into commercially grown foods.
2. Exercise regularly.
Exercise is vital to a healthy immune system. You don’t have to go “gung-ho” or even join a gym, unless that’s what will help you be consistent. Simply walking briskly 45 minutes a day can help you lose weight, get your blood flowing and boost your immune system.
Regular exercise is also one of the best ways to oxygenate your blood. When you go out for a brisk walk, you’re breathing more deeply, your heart is pumping faster, your capillaries are opening up and oxygen is being transported throughout your body. Exercise also does its part helping detoxify the body through sweat, stimulation of the lymphatic system and elimination. In addition, exercise lowers insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells.
3. Detoxify your body.
Fasting is an excellent way to detoxify. A one-, two- or three-day fast from food occasionally can work wonders for removing toxins from your system. Also, check out our articles on Detoxing and the Lymph system for more ideas on how to detoxify your body. Another way to detox is simply by eating right—avoiding sugar and processed foods and eating organic foods.
4. Supplement with vitamins.
Don’t turn to your doctor for help here. Dr. Ray D. Strand, MD, warns, “less than six percent of graduating physicians have received any formal training in nutrition.”[16] Seek out a naturopath or nutritionist for quality supplements recommendations and to find out how you should supplement. But generally, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and nutrients are what we need.
5. Reduce stress and unhealthy emotions.
Bill Henderson has spoken with thousands of cancer patients. As a result, he is convinced that well over half of cancer cases can be linked to some significant stress or emotional event in that person’s life.[17]
Stress hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine are released into the bloodstream during times of emotional stress. These hormones have been shown to “contribute to the development of cancer and reduce the effectiveness of treatments.”[18]
In particular, one of the most stressful things we experience is tension and disharmony in relationships. If you want a healthy body, do all you can to cultivate healthy relationships with those around you.
Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinics
If you already have cancer, you may want to find an alternative cancer treatment facility in addition to following the guidelines above. These facilities offer bona fide medical oversight using more natural approaches to treating cancer. The doctors and other medical professionals at these clinics have changed their paradigm about cancer treatment.
In 2007, a friend of mine was diagnosed with stage four squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. He endured six painful surgeries in which they removed parts of his tongue, neck and other tissue. Then the doctors prescribed radiation and chemotherapy. They warned my friend that the treatments would disfigure him, make him sick, severely diminish his quality of life and ultimately only buy him a few more years—maybe.
He chose not to proceed with radiation and chemotherapy. Instead, he visited the Gerson Institute in California. After spending just a few weeks at their facility and following their protocol he came away cancer-free and has been since. And by the way, their cancer treatment made him feel better, quickly improving his quality of life.
I know another man who was diagnosed with stage four melanoma in the mid 90s. He declined the conventional medical treatments and went to the International Bio Care Hospital & Wellness Center in Tijuana, Mexico. There, under the care of medical doctors who follow the principles cited above, he came away cancer-free.
When cancer strikes you or a loved one, naturally you become desperate for a cure. It’s easy to fall back on what everybody else is doing: surgery, radiation and chemo. I hope this article has challenged your paradigm of cancer therapy. We encourage you to research other more natural, healthy approaches to preventing and curing cancer than “cut, burn and poison.”
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