Heart Health Depends On Those Who Help Their Cells!
Superior Natural Alternatives to Aspirin and Acetaminophen, without the harmful risk of internal bleeding, metabolic damage and tissue destruction.
It seems Americans have been abandoned in the waiting room of health care reform. The question of the day seems to be what to do when an aspirin a day just doesn’t work.In the Beginning…There Was Aspirin
In fact, the whole “take an aspirin a day” lie may be actually doing more harm than good. About a decade ago, experts mistakenly started recommending people consume Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin (blood thinner)— like candy.
This new marketing approach of recommending drugs for symptoms people don’t have is referred to as “primary prevention.” I’m seeing more and more of this kind of dangerous thinking as drug companies continue suggesting “imaginary benefits” from consuming drugs before symptoms appear. By the way, “primary prevention” has nothing to do with preventing “the cause” of heart disease or anything else.
Please keep in mind: drugs are NOT foods, nutrients or vitamins, and true health is more than just being symptom free.
Any clinical studies I have seen only vaguely suggest it might be beneficial to take aspirin on a daily basis. They recommend anyone who has hypertension, high cholesterol or is overweight take aspirin every day.
The truth is, the second major cause of ulcers is from regular use of NSAIDs and aspirin. Unfortunately, its not uncommon for doctors to prescribe additional drugs to help people deal with the gastro-intestinal damage caused by the Over-The-Counter (OTC) chemicals and prescription NSAIDs they started them on to begin with.
Because aspirin was the first non-prescription “panacea” offered by drug companies, it was a Big Money producer. But when it was discovered to trigger irritation, ulceration and obstruction due to the swelling and scarring inflicted upon people’s intestines, it quickly lost popularity.
Then Came Acetaminophen
That’s when drug companies started developing further modified versions of aspirin, hence Acetaminophen. The problem is Acetaminophen poisoning kills thousands of people in the U.S. every year. Acetaminophen actually depletes the most important and powerful antioxidant in your heart cells called glutathione. I will cover more about glutathione, the king of antioxidants, in another issue.
Despite the best intensions of pharmacology, these new NSAIDs still result in damage to the lining (or mucosa) of the digestive tract, primarily in the stomach and upper intestine. This chemical damage is so severe it leads to intestinal bleeding in even occasional users of NSAIDs and aspirin. That’s why consuming these products on a daily basis is so dangerous, short-term and long-term.
To add to that, I think the dangers of combining alcohol and NSAIDs is not emphasized nearly enough. All drug and alcohol combinations can cause toxic damage to the liver and heart cell function. Regular use of either is obviously extremely hazardous to the future of your health.
Another fact you need to be aware of is, if you are an aspirin or NSAID user and you use corticosteroid or prednisone steroid medications, then you increase your risk of gastro-intestinal bleeding, ulcers and obstruction by as much as SEVEN FOLD.
Likewise, if you are taking blood thinners like Coumadin, your risk of internal bleeding, metabolic damage and tissue destruction increases by TWELVE FOLD. Considering Coumadin, NSAIDs and aspirin all thin your blood, why not just eat foods that have the same benefits? Mama Nature has already provided us with a natural pharmacy. So, why risk using dangerous and toxic drugs at all?
Natural Blood Thinners From Creation
For example, here are ten foods that are known to to be natural blood thinners:
- Olive oil
- Garlic
- Tea
- Fish
- Tomatoes
- Broccoli
- Celery
- Soya beans
- Oats
- Yogurt
Apparently then, if you consume NSAIDs or aspirin, drink a glass of wine and eat any of these on a daily basis, your risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcerations and digestive obstruction would be between seven to twelve fold — greater than if you didn’t use drugs. I guess the choice comes down to eating the right foods or taking drugs with adverse dangers.
Blood thinners, or anti-coagulants, are used to stop platelets (thrombocytes) from forming blood clots. Aspirin contains an active ingredient known as salicylate, which blocks vitamin K absorption and gives it its notorious blood thinning effect.
Raw foods accomplish the same effect without the negative damage aspirin and NSAIDs cause. Some foods do contain “natural salicylates.” Other foods contain antioxidants like vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids, or other aspirin-like substances. It is also proven that you can reduce platelet coagulation by minimizing or eliminating animal protein and fats from your dietary regime.
Several studies show people who eat nuts and seeds regularly are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. Recent clinical trials have shown eating various nuts will lower serum LDL cholesterol levels. Nuts and seeds contain healing substances thought to possess cardioprotective effects. Scientists believe that the Omega 3 fatty acid profile in these nuts and seeds is at least in part responsible for the cholesterol lowering response observed in clinical trials. (Black, Michael H.; Halmer, Peter (2006). The encyclopedia of seeds: science, technology and uses. Wallingford, UK: CABI. pp. 228. ISBN 978- 0-85199-723-0.)
In addition to possessing cardioprotective effects, nuts generally have a very low glycemic index. That’s why I recommend nuts being included in diets prescribed for patients with insulin resistance problems such as diabetes mellitus type 2. (David Mendosa (2002). “Revised International Table of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) Values”. http://www.mendosa. com/gilists.htm. Retrieved 2007- 11-23.)
Bottom line is, Big Pharma wants to sell you alternatives to natural, safe, effective and affordable remedies for your ailments and health concerns. Regardless of the consequences, or to the further detriment to your health, Big Pharma is determined to convince the masses that nutrition, attitude and lifestyle take a back seat to their evolutionary chemical theories and drugs. The truth is, you can prevent, treat and cure any health issue without resorting to taking drugs. Regardless of studies that proclaim “imaginary” benefits of their drugs, there are always risks and adverse effects. The reason pharmaceuticals are so dangerous is that “synthetic molecules” do not belong in your cells and in no way benefit your cell health. All drugs are poisons that are administered in controlled dosages to minimize their obvious toxicity.Recommending acetaminophen or aspirin on a daily basis is contemptuous at best, considering there are superior natural alternatives that improve both your heart’s cellular health… already provided for by Mama Nature.