Top 4 Reasons Why People Don’t Recover From Adrenal Fatigue
Many people drift through life in a tired haze. After all, who isn’t tired after work or doesn’t go through an exhausted phase of life? Recovery is highly dependent on one’s genetic predisposition, amount of stress, nourishment and power of belief.
It is not normal or healthy to feel so abnormal and unhealthy. So, why do some people don’t recover from adrenal fatigue?
1. Ignoring the symptoms
It just may be too easy to pick up a cup of coffee or drop some change into a soda pop vending machine then it is to address the cause of the sleepy sound-off the middle of the afternoon. Or, maybe you are too exhausted to even think about it!
The truth is many have fallen into acceptance that this is the way life is going to be and accepting the tired and exhausted state forever. Maybe you are praying that one day you would regain your health and actually be well again. Maybe you are journaling through the rough and exhausted spent days, unable to get through your responsibilities.
You don’t have to be trapped in a weak body and under-performing body and mind. Your body is a self-healing organism and your brain can begin to restore itself. Adrenal fatigue is treatable and you can have energy again. Your prayers are being answered and God will direct you to the resources that will help you.
2. Taking a cocktail of supplements
I am guilty of this. In effort to restore balance when there are symptoms of an imbalance, I have masked solving my health problems by taking a “shotgun” approach of vitamins and minerals that are chucked down the throat in hopes of improving my symptoms.
This is why Home Cures That Work has been so valuable to me. The approach to supplementation makes a huge difference in healing when you are provided with thoughtful, but not random, supplementation regimens. For example, these supplements are prerequisites to a successful recovery of adrenal fatigue:
- Vitamin C – Up to 5,000 mgs/day
- Vitamin B5 – Be consistent for as long as 6 months to repair adrenal function
- Licorice – Start with one cup of licorice tea/day to restore proper adrenal function
- Adrenal extracts – Help with energy, but be careful of long-term dependency
- Minerals – Add magnesium, calcium and trace minerals to your supplement program
3. Relying on food alone
This is not a naive statement. Food does help the body heal, but you cannot put your hope in food alone to repair a weak body. Those with adrenal fatigue often have impaired digestion and lack sufficient nourishment from food that is grown thousands miles away and de-vitalized. For repairing your adrenal glands, the requirements are more than just nutritional support.
4. Choosing short-term wants over long-term needs
If you have begun to face the facts of your symptoms and started a balanced supplement program, but haven’t removed the triggers, then you still have major obstacles to overcome.
- Don’t kid yourself that staying up late in front of the laptop isn’t going to make the next day any easier
- The glass of wine you think is going to “help you unwind” is really going to ruin your sleep
- If any relationship causes you to grind your teeth, then you don’t need someone telling you it is no good
- Stop whatever you are doing that makes you feel like life is a marathon
My niece struggled with adrenal fatigue for years. She called it “every cell in my body fatigue.” She went from doctor to doctor to try and learn what had gone terribly wrong with her body. She hardly had the energy to make a phone call and wondered why she was so weak. She almost gave up hope believing there was going to be any change in her health. Medical doctors ordered every kind of test, but it wasn’t until she took the saliva test that she was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue.
How do you recover from adrenal fatigue?
Since it is largely a lifestyle condition, merely “taking something” is not going to solve the underlying problem. Everyone gets to a point of adrenal exhaustion in a slightly different way, so there is no “one size fits all” answer. Getting to the root of your own causes is something that only you can do, your ability to identify those causes and decide how you are going to recover.My niece found that a colon cleanse was a major turn around in her life. She started slowly, would start and stop because she had so many toxins, but knew she was on the right path and knew she was getting better. As a result, her vitamins and minerals were actually digested better and she could feel the effects of good nutrition.
She almost missed her healing by being too busy and driving herself into the ground. But even with a name, my niece pushed herself from bad to worse and compromised her health. She prided herself on perseverance and began to rely on exercise, sugar or caffeine to get through the day. But, now she is back to her old self and no longer spending time and money at the doctor’s office.
The good news is adrenal fatigue is largely a condition that can be reversed by becoming more aware of the things that stress your adrenal glands, and making choices that will support and rebuild your adrenal glands. Some changes in your diet and supplements, deliberate choices to take control of your life, your health and your relationships will go a long way towards bolstering your exhausted adrenal glands.
As the holidays approach later this year, pay more attention to your stress levels, and make sure you are supporting your adrenals fully with B-vitamins, minerals, vitamin C, licorice and some good old-fashioned relaxation!
Here’s lifting my glass (of sparkling water) to all of you for a successful treatment of your adrenal glands!
Recovery is possible. Depending on the severity and how long it has gone on, recovery can take anywhere from a few months to 2 years. Do NOT let this discourage you. Even though full recovery may take years, you can see marked improvement in a short time. How have you recovered from adrenal fatigue?