The Gift of Life
You see, life is a gift — the greatest gift of all. You didn’t create your life. It was created for you.
“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7
Always remember, life never requires a right to exist… it IS existence personified.
Life does not depend upon man’s permission to begin anymore than it requires mans permission to end.
Can you imagine if the government started legislating gift giving? Would you be comfortable with that? China and some provinces in India are already legislating God’s greatest gift, children.
In China, each family is limited to two children. With that being said, the Chinese have been aborting females for years so they could have (2) males to carry on the family name. In poor provinces of India, they are doing the same thing, but for a different reason. Though they are relatively poor, their culture demands a very expensive dowry upon marriage.
Today, the result of both countries attempt at “playing God” has created dire consequences.
For the Chinese, the ratio of men to women is astounding, thus a diminished race, increased homosexuality and an obvious rise in violent crimes, especially rape. In India, the problem is on a much smaller level, but several orphanages have begun to take in girls to spare them from abortion.
Rule of thumb: whenever man tries to be God, the result will always be devastating.
As I am writing, I am finding that most (not all) dictionaries, wikipedia entries and government periodicals try to domesticate abortion where it appears to be at the same level as having a tooth pulled! Then, I found this definition:Abort: “To terminate or bring to a premature end because of a problem or fault.”
So, I looked up the word terminate and here is one definition:
Terminate: “To stop suddenly, murder or assassinate.”
Look at these definitions…if life does not require a right to exist, who wants to take responsibility for something that is not theirs to take? What was the problem or fault? A child is an inconvenience, not a gift?
I am so thankful that several of my adopted friends had birth mothers who chose to bring them into the world so they could be adopted instead of deciding they had no reason to be. By the way, you would be shocked to find out how many well-known, musicians, artists, poets and world changers came from the stream of adoption. Think of all the songs, sonnets, sculptures, seascapes and psalms the world would have never experienced if these lives had been terminated.
I read this quote by Ronald Reagan yesterday and marveled at its simple wisdom:
“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”
How can those who have freely received the gift of life deny another the same virtue? I don’t know about you, but I am actually tired of everything people don’t want to talk about being branded as “politics.” I am not talking about politics; I am talking about the sanctity of life.
For me, the term “political life” is an oxymoron! My life didn’t come from Washington D.C. It came from my Father in Heaven and it is sacred.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the Earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Psalm 139: 14-16
Whenever God wants to change something, He brings a child into the world!
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6
Verse 7 of this scripture tells us that this government and peace shall have no end. The prophet Isaiah is not talking about any earthly government or system of man. He is talking about a world outside this world, a government far above Washington D.C. (in case you fear this post is political), which rests upon the broad shoulders of the Almighty forever!
Every four to eight years our administration in Washington changes hands. Change comes and often the result is financial vulnerability or security, war or peace, love or hate, but regardless innocent ones are aborted and denied entry into our world. We take life, yet God continues to give life.
In fact, God loved this world so much that he gave the ultimate gift, His only Son! The reason God did this was so humanity — who lives in darkness, beneath the drop ceiling of His glory — could put their trust in a Son from heaven — who was not corrupted by the earth.
How did we treat God’s Son? We tried to abort Him, but the grave couldn’t hold Him. Even our corruption was no match for His love. Because He lives today, there is one who redeems the children we abort and saves all who call upon His name. His name is Jesus. He is a redeemer; we are called consumers. He creates; we destroy His creations. Remember, this month’s topic is: Natural Pregnancy Health….
Pregnancy IS natural. Abortion is not.
In our lifetime, we would be hard pressed to find a more outspoken advocate for the unborn than Mother Teresa. Whether she was home in Calcutta with the Sisters of Mercy, or receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971, or the guest of honor at the National Day of Prayer in Washington D.C., her message was loud and clear:
The U.S. has approximately 3,700 abortions per day, according to Each is a lost purpose and destiny, robbing the world of the gift placed in that child.
“Stop aborting your babies. If you do not want them, send them all to me.”
With a speechless audience, including Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al and Tipper Gore, this weak, tiny (in stature only) nun pointed her finger and said,
“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”
On another visit to America, Mother Teresa was invited to the White House to have lunch with Hillary Clinton. During lunch, Mrs. Clinton asked Mother Teresa this question,
Without skipping a beat, Mother Teresa replied,“Mother Teresa, why do you think America has never had a woman president?”
“Because you have probably aborted her.”
There is no fear in love and Mother Teresa was fearless. Fearful people never change the world. Selfless love always will.
So, what is my number one tip for natural pregnancy health? Keep your baby… and receive the greatest gift of all… Life!
God Bless You!
Human life is sacred. We are given the means to protect life, the responsibility as co-creators. How do you face the threats of life? is the founder of the Network Center Inc., a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2001 which works as an advisory agency to local churches, faith-based ministries, Para-church ministries, schools, home fellowships and music ministries in connection with their outreach ministries or missions based activities. Michael has been committed to training their key leaders and members to deliver the message of their Christian faith in order to reach the lost, the disenfranchised, the sick and the hurting through the organic roots of the Christian faith and other areas as needs arise. Michael has been in full time ministry for the last 27 years and is a writer music producer and well known musician.
Michael Tyrrell,