Is Diabetes and Obesity Caused From MSG?
The Standard American Diet is degenerating your health in a world-wide experiment.
Medical Alert: You have just participated in the world’s largest double blind test called the Standard American Diet (SAD). The sad truth is that America’s degenerating health is the result of this ongoing experiment on your health.
Real, science-based evidence reveals that eating foods laced with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is harming your body’s natural healing process. Find out why the harmful consequences of “excito-toxins” like Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) are far worse than government officials are willing to admit.
MSG Short-Circuits Your Body Electric
This report reveals the shocking truth that manmade chemicals like MSG are robbing you of your health and wellness, one Happy Meal at a time. Your healthy body is a synchronized symphony 60 trillion resonating cells bathing in a salty sea of electromagnetic energy. Amazingly, this language of life ranges in frequencies from as slow as the speed of sound to as fast as the speed of light.
Just as the modern world depends on wireless satellites, fiber optic and cellular transmissions, so does your body depend on subtle energetic signaling processes. Scientists now agree chemical energies fall short explaining all the amazing feats the human body/mind is capable of. Whether chemical or electrical, all body functions depend on mineral salts. Minerals are the building blocks, cables and wiring which make everything possible.
Excito-toxins like MSG are just one class of man-made chemicals, which literally short-circuit your body’s wireless communication systems, by depleting your minerals, damaging cell membrane health and causing degenerative diseases like diabetes.
On your cell membranes you have crystalline protein receptors (antennae), which broadcast cellular signals much like cellular phones and radios do. Your brain, organ and nerve cells have specialized receptors for transmitting and receiving energy and information to keep you alive and well.
MSG is sodium salt of an amino acid called L-Glutamate (MSG) that excites brain cells much like drugs like cocaine do. In fact, neuroscientists have mapped out the human brain and identified a vast matrix of specific glutamate nerve cells MSG disrupts.
These nerve cells have receptors called “glutamate receptors,” which detect and regulate the amino acid glutamate. When your body has too much glutamate, these special antennae signal your endocrine system, pancreas and brain to release messenger-like hormones which can eliminate the “toxic effect” that too much glutamate can cause.
Because this defensive function is primarily an electric response, many semi-conductors like proteins and minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chromium, vanadium and zinc) are used up in the process. Normally, these natural sources of amino acids are scarce. The problem is when “synthetic chemical glutamates and aspartates” are consumed, harmful brain and endocrine imbalances occur.
Synthetic glutamates come from Monosodium Glutamate and synthetic aspartates, found in products like NutraSweet. These are both known as excito-toxins, meaning they are toxic to your cells. Millions of people are being negatively affected by these disruptive chemicals, causing dysfunction of brain cells, sensory perception and motor skills, not to mention diabetes.
The main reason L-Glutamate (MSG) is found so readily in processed foods is directly related to the “low-fat” diet fad so prevalent in America. You see, fat gives many foods their desired flavor, and when removed, people don’t buy those foods as often. This results in plummeting profits for Big Food companies.
Hence “MSG” is marketed to food manufacturers as a “flavor enhancer,” mainly to sell more fat-free, processed foods.
Not only is eliminating an entire food group (fats) from your diet unhealthy, but constant exposure to the “flavor enhancer” MSG also depletes electrolytes from your brain, lowering your electrical capacity, nerve function and brain activity. As you will see, this also has a direct influence on the onset of diabetes…
MSG Triggers Electron Deficiency Leading To Depressive Diabetes On-Set
I found a revealing, conclusive 2004 Johns Hopkins study tracking 11,615 people, which showed that people who feel depressed have a greater risk of diabetes Type 2 on-set. It was once suspected that diabetes caused depression but new evidence suggests depression is an early warning sign of diabetes. Over the last decade, 20 studies pointed to a prevalence rate of diabetes “three to four times greater” than average.
Did you know the root cause of clinical depression is from an electron deficiency in the brain, which in turn is triggered from “depleted minerals” and “disrupted neural pathways” in the brain?
MSG-Triggered Mineral Depletion May Be Root Cause Of Your Diabetes
Here’s the missing piece to the diabetes/MSG puzzle: electron deficiency is a direct result of the constant consumption of large amounts of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). (Baylock, Dr. Russel, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Health Press, Santa Fe, 1997, page 23)
Medical Alert: The diabetic connection to MSG toxicity is caused from the same mineral deficiencies which trigger the low electron activity in the brain.
The same regulatory factors in the brain that regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels also depend on critical minerals and trace elements to be present. As you can clearly see, MSG is the missing link, which can explain why diabetes and obesity has become epidemic in the land of the fat-free diet.
From a naturopathic view point, all imbalances lead to dis-ease states, emphasizing the importance of restoring and sustaining natural homeostasis. Double Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling also strongly believed that degenerative dis-ease is caused from mineral deficiencies.
The question of the hour is, “Can we STOP the diabetic epidemic by simply eliminating the massive amounts of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in our diets?” To a large degree, absolutely!
MSG Triggers Obesity Factor Of Diabetes
Here’s some more food for thought. Did you know that in nature there is no such thing as a fat mouse? Seriously, even in the laboratory setting, when a mouse eats double its body weight, its metabolism simply doubles its speed and prevents obesity. MEDICAL FACT: When mice are injected with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), they immediately become obese and diabetic.
Not only do scientists routinely create obese mice by injecting MSG under their skin, they also euthanize them the same way…but with a larger dosage, causing the brain to die.
Honestly, do you think that America’s epidemic of obesity and diabetes is some mistake of evolution, OR is there possibly an elaborate “marketing scheme” to sell more junk food, diet products and prescription drugs??? This may also explain why diet gimmicks always fail.
MSG And Aspartame Trigger Diabetes Neuropathy and Neurological Disease
In 1995, the FDA issued a report stating, “Studies have shown that the body uses Glutamate, an amino acid, as a nerve impulse transmitter in the brain and that there are Glutamate-responsive tissues in other parts of the body, as well. Abnormal function of these Glutamate receptors has been linked with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s chorea. Injections of Glutamate in laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain.”
Excito-toxins like MSG and Aspartame are a 100 Billion Dollar business and most of it is made by Monsanto’s sister company Ajinomoto Inc., one of the most profitable companies on the planet.
Strange how big corporations can get away with creating the problems they later market with false solutions. It’s called problem, reaction and solution marketing. Clearly these neurotoxic products increase risk of both obesity and diabetes, yet they have the audacity to patent yet another “altered amino acid” to sell as a replacement for insulin, called protein engineering.
The American Diabetes Association stated 23.6 million U.S. children and adults — about 8 percent of the population now has diabetes. According to a Reuter’s report from Washington, Oct 30, 2008 “…The rate of new cases of diabetes soared by about 90 percent in the US in the past decade.”
Dr. H.J. Roberts claims his research also confirms MSG’s excito-toxic cousin, Aspartame, leads to clinical diabetes by diminishing control of insulin and oral drugs and aggravating diabetic complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastroparesis.
In 1968, John W. Olney, M.D., at the Washington University School, St. Louis, Missouri, replicated a 1957 study, where MSG caused retinal damage and caused mice to become grotesquely obese as a result of a poisoned hypothalamus.
MSG Triggers Massive Insulin Surges
Because your pancreatic beta cells have glutamate receptors, “MSG triggers massive insulin surges.” Insulin is known as the “hunger hormone,” and being that MSG has been shown to increase the appetites of mice by 40%, you can see why obesity rates are only matched by skyrocketing diabetes in the US.
Leading medical researchers are aware that damage to the hypothalamus causes severe endocrine problems, such as decreased thyroid hormone, high risk of diabetes and elevated cortisone levels.
Stress hormones like corticosteroids may play a role in diabetes on-set by increasing insulin resistance, or possibly by harming beta cell function related to impaired glucose tolerance.
Recent evidence suggests central obesity can be caused by neonatal injections of Monosodium Glutamate, which also impairs learning ability and memory. Further, when MSG is combined with trans-fat, central obesity increased, as well as promoting dyslipidemia and impaired spatial learning (Nadine J. Makhoula, et al,Cell Biology & Diabetes Research Unit, Department of Biological & Medical Research, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre; University of Toronto, Division of Life Sciences, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Received 21 March 2009).
The Obvious Problem And Clear Solution
The big question is, now that you know the truth, will you use this life-saving information to help make a positive impact on world health? I expect you will.
Bottom line is, you are the final authority on your health. You know it’s a challenge getting enough quality nutrition, so why allow toxins like MSG to enter your body? You need minerals to run every metabolism in your body including your blood glucose metabolism, so eat plenty of raw plant sources of protein, drink plenty of pure water and embrace a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes is easier to prevent than cure, but the truth is that eliminating its root cause can cure diabetes and nurture cell health.
There is no doubt that excito-toxins like MSG are one of the possible causes of diabetes.
Join the Self-Health Revolution and take back control over your health and wellness, starting with every little thing you can do to make your food and your loved ones’ food beneficial and safe.