In the 1964 comedy, The Disorderly Orderly, the hospital orderly Jerome Littlefield (played by Jerry Lewis) had a serious problem. Every day that he came to work at the hospital, sick...
“You need more fiber.” We’ve all heard it before, from the doctor, from a concerned friend. But they’ve all said it for good reason! Fiber is critical for your entire...
If you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, one of the many things on your mind might be, "What will I eat now? Does having diabetes mean giving up all...
Haidee went to an anti-aging doctor a couple of years ago and was given human growth hormone (HGH) to prevent aging and improve her endurance. She wanted to continue taking...
Have you ever had the experience of smelling something that causes you to relive an old experience? You actually feel the old feeling as if you were living it again...
You are curled up beside the fire with a cup of tea. You have your cozy socks and slippers on and are snuggled up in a warm throw blanket. Everything...
“BUT HE HAD THE PNEUMONIA SHOT, HE CAN’T HAVE PNEUMONIA!” said the distraught daughter of an elderly man in a nursing home with a severe case of pneumonia. She had...
Okay, try to say this ten times real fast, “How much nooch could a smooching pooch mooch, if a smooching pooch could mooch nooch?” No, you didn’t land by accident...
It's important to pay attention to the signs and signals the body gives us. Diabetes has a number of early signs, but because they're rather subtle, you might not notice....
Got a headache? Before you reach for that bottle of ibuprofen, there are a few things you should know. Ibuprofen belongs to a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs...
Do you know exactly what you have eaten in the last 24 hours? Or do you know your weight from week to week, month to month, or even year to...
No, this is not the same charcoal you use to cook on your grill. While it’s similar, there is a distinct difference. explains: “Common charcoal is made from peat,...