Plastics are the miracle and the terror of our modern world. Modern plastics have only been around for about a century, but the industry has grown exponentially! In the 1967...
For almost twenty years I was the medical director of a rehabilitation facility. People were often brought into the facility with pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, or other...
Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, occurs when the intestinal lining is damaged, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream and potentially leading to various health issues. Of all the wonders of...
For many years I have advocated a detox program for high blood sugar. It started with a talk I gave in 2011 on the cause of this type of high...
“It looks like I’m pregnant!” Marge exclaimed. Treated abdominal distention, bloating continued for over three years. “Every time I eat anything I immediately get bloating. My abdomen fills up and...
Need calm? It is far to easy these days to feel overwhelmed by concerns about your health, finances, or family. Stress and anxiety can make it difficult to enjoy life,...
“Pancreatic cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me!” Sitting at the kitchen table in the home of Dr. Bob to sign papers for the purchase of his...
“You are what you eat!” The huge words from a colorful poster in the cafeteria of my elementary school keep coming to mind. Fifty years ago, as a child, and...
Hypertension every day affects more people recently, I have had several patients in my office who have been on inappropriate blood pressure medications for different reasons. Medication given to Alex...
Recently, I have had several patients in my office who have been on inappropriate blood pressure medications for different reasons. Alex was given medication which didn’t seem to be working....
There are two lists of risk factors for heart disease. One is the “traditional list” and the other is the "scientific list.” The Traditional List The traditional list [1] comes...
We often focus so hard on the outward things that we miss the more important things of life. It’s so easy to look at diet, exercise, and nutrients as the...