Reset Your Mind and Eliminate Anxiety Taking care of your body goes a long way towards helping you cope with anxiety. The diet, exercise and supplementation routines mentioned in this issue...
Exercising Your Right Whether or Not to Vaccinate Perhaps many reading this article are like me. We’ve grown up during the era of vaccinations and have never experienced any long-term...
The most effective way to optimize your cholesterol profile and prevent heart disease is with diet and exercise. Did you know 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your...
How old are you? Uh, uh. Not so fast. I’m not interested in the number of candles on your birthday cake and neither should you be. Nowadays, as people like...
Just twenty years ago, vitamin popping was still held by the mainstream medical community as a worthless fad. But studies now show we are woefully vitamin deficient. For example, two...
I don’t. And I never did. Sure, it affects me. And, all negatively. For example, I got notice that my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% in January, 2014....
If you or someone you know has arthritis, lymphoma, herpes, HIV, low energy, Parkinson's or frequent infections including colds and flu, then these people may have a common link—nutritional deficiency....
Some of the most damaging groups of substances we are exposed to on a daily basis are starches and refined sugars, such as: Sucrose Fructose Glucose Dextrose And corn syrup...
Only if your immune system is depressed will it normally allow a virus to take hold. So maybe a depressed immune dysfunction is the disease. In fact, maybe aging is...
Eating fat will not make you fat. Unless you're a carb nutritional type, eating excessive carbs and sugar is virtually guaranteed to pack on the pounds. Why? Because your cells...
Stress drains you from the inside, robbing your energy and vitality. Stress leads to fatigue and will silently sabotage even the strongest motivation. Do everything right— everything—and chronic stress can...
Drs. T. H. Holmes and R. H. Rahe researched the strong correlation between stressful situations and illness. Then they devised a Social Readjustment Scale. To see whether you are in...