Few figures are as iconic and meaningful to American than Sylvester Stallone. He, and others such as Schwarzenegger and Willis, set the standard for manliness through their epic films featuring...
In recent decades, the incidence of chronic pain and diseases, allergies, insomnia and auto-immune conditions has skyrocketed in modern societies. One overlooked reason is the immune system began functioning less...
Have you ever taken Tylenol or Advil to help with headaches and those everyday nagging pains? Your doctor will probably never tell you this, but when you take common pain...
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes--nature has not spared her fury recently. If you have not been affected, you probably know someone who has. Because of this, survival kits have been...
Would you be surprised to hear there really is such a thing as the science of hope? A UCLA psychologist named James Coleman did a study on humans who lose...
You already know the statistics of your plane crashing: about 1 in a million! Nonetheless, once you stow your carry-on and take your seat, do you read the safety information...
With Hurricane Irene on the East, wildfires in Texas and floods in the Midwest, many American have experienced a fight for survival, substantial loss of property, injury and, in some...
You're About To Learn Insider Secrets To Survive Disasters, Pandemics, Economic Collapse, and Breakdowns In Civil Order. Once inside you'll learn... Survival is NOT a luxury reserved for the rich...
If you're the type of person who jumps out of planes into unknown wilderness simply to see if you can make it back to civilization, you're either Bear Grylls, or...
It was April 15, 1912. Passengers on the Titanic were celebrating the vacation of their lives on the world's biggest and most luxurious cruise ship on its maiden voyage. Management...
When we are under stress, our bodies use up our nutrient stores faster, and therefore we may need even more than usual. An adequate supply of these important nutrients will...
Certain foods are powerful. They cast a spell over the most well-meaning dieter and cause logical people to overeat unhealthy foods until their sides hurt. They occupy your thoughts to...