Playing in the Mud is Safe for Mercury/Heavy Metal Detox Mud baths date back to the dawn of time. The ancient Romans valued mud baths as a preventative and curative...
In general, we all find disease frustrating and can easily empathize with those afflicted and affected. However, diseases that effect children stir up a whole different set of emotions ranging...
A whopping 22 million children under the age of 5 are obese. Professor Terry Wilken of the Peninsula Medical School tells us that by age 5, “the die is cast.”...
Did you know that 1 out of every 150 babies born in the U.S. has autism? Autism currently affects about 1,500,000 people in the U.S., and the numbers are increasing,...
One of the most well-known celebrity autism advocates is Jenny McCarthy. Her personal story of her son Evan’s descent into autism (at 2 ½ years of age) and ultimate recovery...
Glutathione, our body’s most powerful antioxidant, has just been supercharged to dramatically increase its ability to penetrate our cells starting with your skin. Every once in awhile a major new...
Antioxidants are known to help prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease, but the presence of the antioxidant glutathione is gaining popularity in helping to fight autism. Glutathione, a...
The answer to the question, “Can God heal Fibromyalgia?” — is YES! The Bible says, “He forgives all our sins and heals ALL our diseases!” (Psalm 103:3). There isn’t one...
Try melatonin for restorative sleep at night for a no “hangover” morning the next day. Melatonin might require a few days to start working, but remember natural products are simply...
Everybody handles pain differently. But for fibromyalgia sufferers, body aches, sore muscles, cramps and tender spots scream a “10” at all hours of the day. Because the neurotransmitters in the...
Fibromyalgia patients appear to age significantly faster than the general population. The basic characteristics of fibromyalgia patients are described in Yue, U.S. Pat. No. 5,612,051, METHOD OF TREATING INVOLUNTARY MUSCLE...
You may know him as the Navy “Captain Mike” from the popular series “The West Wing,” but Michael James Hastings creates more popularity by being a spokesman for fibromyalgia....