Diet is Key in Kicking the Smoking Habit
The average person who quits smoking gains anywhere from 4 lbs, all the way up to 30 lbs! This is why many experts are suggesting that smokers stop eating sugar and most carbs before they quit smoking. This will make quitting smoking much easier and save you from obesity, which happens to be even more deadly than smoking!
Proper Nutrition = Smoke Free Success
Getting vital nutrients into your body before you begin your journey to stop smoking is of the utmost importance. Proper nutrition can help you quit smoking in several ways:
- If your body is “satisfied” with the proper vitamins, minerals and nutrients, then your craving for nicotine will be much less intense.
- Adequate nutrition minimizes depression and anxiety, which can easily occur when you smoking.
- When you eat healthy, it helps to strengthen your detoxification pathways, clearing the years of toxins that have accumulated from smoking.
- A healthy diet is going to make you feel stronger and more alert, enabling you to have more willpower to quit.
The Best Diet for Smoking Cessation
A low carb diet is one of the best choices for smoking cessation. I recommendcutting down to little or no grains a day, absolutely no sugar, and go easy on the fruits and starchy vegetables. The book, “The Fat Flush Plan” by Ann Louise Gittleman is a fantastic place to start. Her diet plan not only cuts out the carbs and sugars, but also detoxifies the body at the same time.You can complete all 3 phases ofTheFat Flush Planif you like, or you can skip right to phase 3 if you are not interested losing any weight. I tell my clients, “If you can follow the phase 3 diet 80% of the time, then you are going to be extremely healthy. It is unrealistic to ask you to do it 100% of the time. This will be a great lesson in moderation.”
The Fat Flush Plan is not the only good diet for smoking cessation on the market, it just happens to be my favorite. There are many low carb diets, but many of them have you eating a lot of “fake” foods. Although they may lack in carbs, they are artificial, so they lack true nutrition.
Some other quality low carb diets include, “The Grain Free Diet” by Dr. Mercola and “Nourishing Traditions” and “Eat Fat Lose Fat” by Sally Fallon. The Paleo Diet and The Primal Diet are also great low carb high nutrient diets.
The Importance of Good Fat
I had my bout with smoking in my early college years. Nicotine, combined with a diet high in artificial sweeteners, caffeine and sugar, led my down a path of poor health and overstimulation. I had zapped my adrenal glands and sent my blood sugar all over the map. I was incredibly undernourished and totally fat-phobic.
Luckily, a job at a health food store rescued my health and, I believe, saved me from potential disease. I learned about how to truly eat healthy and filled my body full of good nutrition. I replaced my “low fat” diet with one that included lots of healthy fats and oils. I am proud to say I have now have no more addictions. At the time I had four: nicotine, sugar, aspartame (NutraSweet) and caffeine. I could not have transitioned out of these addictions and smoking habit without healthy fats. Out of all the “health foods” in my diet, I feel healthy fats are most important.
Good fat does so many wonderful things in your body.
- First of all, it stabilizes your blood sugar, which prevents you from getting sugar cravings.
- It also keeps you full much longer.
- Fat is also very important for the brain. Did you know your brain is composed of around 60% fat? Healthy fats like fish oil, for example, help with focus, concentration and mood. It is a lot easier to break an addiction when you can concentrate and are in a better mood!
- Cold pressed coconut oil (1-2 tbsp a day)
- Fish oil (2-4 capsules a day)
- Organic pasture butter (1-2 tbsp a day)
- Olive oil (1 tbsp a day)
Coconut milk is also a great source of good fat. Coconut is a super food packed with fat burners and immune builders. It is one of my most favorite things to cook with. It is very versatile and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Below is one of my favorite dishes made with coconut milk and coconut oil. I fix it often and have given away the recipe countless times!
Beat the Habit with Brazilian Chicken
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp cayenne (less if you do not like spice)
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp coriander
- 1 tsp ginger
- 4 chicken breasts, cut into chunks
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 onion chopped
- 2 jalapeno peppers seeded and chopped (optional)
- 3 cloves minced garlic
- 1 large can of diced tomatoes or 4 tomatoes chopped
- 1 can of coconut milk
- Cilantro, for garnish
Mix cumin, cayenne, turmeric, coriander, ginger, salt and pepper in a bowl. Toss the chicken in the mixture until well coated.
Heat 1 tbsp of coconut oil in a skillet. Cook chicken on medium until no longer pink and juice runs clear. Remove from heat and set aside.
Add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to the skillet. Cook onion and jalapeno peppers over medium heat until the onions are translucent and tender. Add garlic and cook another 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Mix in the tomatoes, bring to a boil and then reduce to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the chicken and can of coconut milk. Continue to simmer another 5 minutes.
Oats reduce or eliminate cravings, even the number of cigarettes desired in those not trying to quit. Take cayenne as an antioxidant that stabilizes lung membranes to prevent damage. The warm peppery taste reduces cigarette cravings, as well.
If you are eating low carb, you can eat this like a stew. I enjoy putting sliced avocado on top with lots of fresh cilantro. If you aren’t being as strict with your carbs, it is also good served over a small serving of rice.
Consider it Done
Remember that changing your diet before quitting smoking will make it so much easier. Make your first resolution to eat healthier, followed by stopping your other bad habits. Having a clear mind and healthy body will give you the strength you need to overcome your smoking habit or any other addictions. It worked for me and I know it can work for you, too!
What foods do you plan on making that will help you change your smoking habit? Share a recipe below so others can succeed along with you!
Amanda Box is a Doctor of Naturopathy and a graduate of Clayton College of Natural Health. She’s been in the health and wellness industry for over 10 years and currently has a Naturopathic consulting practice in Sioux Falls, SD. Her passion is helping others achieve wellness of the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. If you don’t have a good local naturopathic doctor to turn to for your personal needs, Dr. Amanda does phone consultations! She can help you with weight loss, detox/cleansing, acute and chronic illnesses, skin and body care, grocery shopping, pantry overhauls, and more! Visit her blog “My Life in a Healthnut Shell” at for contact info.