Good Poop = Good Health
People may think I’m nuts for asking, but one of the most important questions on my health evaluation form is, “How many bowel movements do you have per day?” I also ask about stool color, consistency, and size. TMI, you may say? I beg to differ.
Bowel health is of utmost importance. I believe it to be one of the greatest determining factors to whole body health. Unfortunately, most people want to leave their bathroom visits in the bathroom and rarely talk about the state of their poop. They find it embarrassing and think it shouldn’t be talked about. You would be surprised how many people believe that having 2-3 bowel movements a week is normal! That is anything but normal! That, in fact, is a sign that something is wrong, and can actually lead you down the road of many toward different health issues. You should care about your poop!
Keeping it Regular
I’m sure you’re no stranger to hearing about regularity. In attempts to promote their products, cereal and fiber supplement companies have bombarded the media with it’s importance for maintaing healthy bowels. For that, I am thankful.
It is important to make sure you poop regularly. The problem, though, is confusion about what it means to be truly “regular.” Like I mentioned before, some people believe that pooping a few times a week is regular! Regular actually should be, in fact, daily. And more specifically, regular is about three times a day.
Think about it. Humans were designed to eat and then poop. Any mother will tell you that within a matter of 20 minutes after feeding their baby, they poop. What goes in has to go out. And if it doesn’t go out within a reasonable amount of time, problems can result.
Our poop is essentially toxic waste. It contains billions of bacteria — hence the stench! Once our food is processed, broken down, and turned into poop, it should exit our body within 24 hours. When this toxic waste is in the body too long, we begin to poison ourselves internally!
A good way to tell if your body is getting rid of waste in a timely manner is to eat a cup of corn. If you don’t see corn in your poop within 24 hours of consuming it, then you may have a sluggish colon or you are seriously “backed up.”
There are several ways to jumpstart your colon to work properly. These methods also help to flush out old accumulated toxic fecal matter. Getting out old toxic poop will leave you feeling cleaner, lighter — and will even improve your mental clarity!
1. Colon Cleansing (pill form)
The easiest way to facilitate cleansing the colon is to take natural herbs and supplements
With it’s growing popularity, there are a plethora of colon cleansing kits on the market today. Be wary of pills that contain senna or cascara sagrada. These two herbs, though natural, work on the colon’s nervous system and can increase dependence.
I personally recommend the brand Renew Life’s Colon Cleanse formula. It contains healthy fiber and safe herbs to increase your bowel movements and move that toxic poop out of your body!
2. Colonic Hydrotherapy (colonics)
A true colonic is performed by a certified colon hydrotherapist. Warm water is gently diffused into the colon through a tube that is gently inserted in your anus. Your poop is then washed out through another tube. It is painless and gentle and not near as “gross” as you might imagine.
Hyrdrotherapists are professionals and they deal with poop all day, every day. There is no need to feel embarrassed or apprehensive. When I had my first colonic, my therapist quickly put me at ease and I had a very pleasant experience. I recommend at least 2 sessions, with a day in between, to flush out your old accumulated waste.
3. Enemas
For those of you who want similar results from a colonic but at the convenience of your home, you might consider a coffee enema. Coffee? You ask?! Well, coffee has benefits that water alone does not. The caffeine contained in the coffee is absorbed through the colon wall and by the liver. This caffeine surge encourages the liver to dump it’s toxin filled bile, which in turn gets flushed out of your body.Coffee also contains compounds that activate glutathione s-transferase. This enzyme is one of the body’s most powerful detoxifiers and can remove thousands of toxic waste elements from your bloodstream! So, using coffee instead of water in an enema not only cleanses the colon, but also the liver.
Most people love the feeling they get after a coffee enema. It is a great option for headache and migraine relief, as well!
For those of you interested in trying a coffee enema, here are the instructions from the Gerson Cancer Treatment Institute. They recommend regular coffee enemas as part of their cancer treatment protocols in order to facilitate detoxification.
Coffee Enema Instructions
First, you will need:
- 2 quart enema bag
- Organic coffee grounds
Place 2-3 cups of purified water and 2-3 tbsp of organic coffee on the stove to boil. Boil for 10 minutes and allow to cool to the touch. Strain out the coffee grounds. Your coffee is now ready to be used in the enema. Make sure the coffee is warm, not room temperature or cold. There is nothing worse than a cold enema!
Pour the warm coffee into the enema bag. Remove any air from the enema tube by grasping the hose and unclamping the clasp. Place the tip in the sink. Hold up the enema bag above the tip until the coffee begins to flow out. Then close the clamp. Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of oil or petroleum jelly.
Taking the Enema
The position preferred by most people is to lie on one’s back on a towel, on the bathroom floor or in the bathtub.
Place the enema bag above with the clamp closed, hang the bag at least one foot above you. Insert the tip gently and slowly. Move it around until it goes all the way in. Now, open the clamp. The coffee may take a few seconds to begin flowing. Make sure you are completely relaxed.
If you start to cramp, then close the hose clamp, turn from side to side and take a few deep breaths. The cramp will usually pass quickly. When all the liquid is inside, close the clamp and slowly remove the tube.
Try to retain the enema for at least 15 minutes! After 15 minutes or so, go to the toilet and empty your bowels.
4. Number 2 Positions
There are a number of contributing factors to constipation and irregularity. Some of the more common causes of irregular bowel movements include:
- Lack of adequate fiber in the diet
- Food allergies and sensitivities
- Lack of healthy probiotic bacteria in the gut
- Dehydration
- “Holding it” too often
- Lack of exercise
- Pharmaceutical drugs (pain killers, antidepressants, blood pressure, and allergy medication)
However, many people are unaware that the position we assume when taking a number 2, can make a huge difference in how often and how easy it is for us to “drop a dookie.” Toilets are one of the worst inventions of all time. Yes, they may be more sanitary than an outhouse or a hole in the ground, but mankind was never meant to sit while taking a dump!
If you travel to Asia, as I have, most countries have something called “squatty potties.” These potties look like toilets in the floor. The nice versions even flush. However, instead of sitting on them, you put your feet on each side and squat!
Squatting is the body’s natural position for pooping and is how people have taken poops since the beginning of time! Modern toilets, or thrones, weren’t invented until the 1800s! We sat on thrones while the “natives” squatted. Although it may have made us feel more superior, the natives surely had healthier bowel movements!
When we sit on a toilet, our bodies have to strain and push to poop. I’ve often heard our intestines being compared to a kinked water hose when we poop on a toilet. However, when we squat, our body essentially straightens out that bend in the hose making pooping a breeze!
Here are some other great reasons to squat rather than sit while taking your number 2. Squatting:
- Prevents hemorrhoids and allows present ones to heal
- Increases the speed of your elimination
- Prevents hernias from the lack of straining
I know what you’re thinking! “How on earth are you supposed to squat when all you have in your home are modern toilets?” I don’t expect you to actually install squatty potties in your home. And, No, you don’t have to crawl on top of your toilet and squat. It requires way too much balance because toilet seats are designed for your butts, not your feet! Although, I know people who have done it.
However, many companies are coming out with stools that slide under your toilet. You put your feet on the stool while you sit on the toilet and it puts your body in a natural squatting-like position! They are super easy to use and are very inexpensive! Even those who have regular daily bowel movements have reported better results. Many said they felt lighter and that they were getting “everything out.”
I recommend these for everyone, not just those who suffer from constipation. They are excellent for children too and can help with potty training! You can purchase one HERE.
Yes, working out and eating right are extremely important. But making sure you have regular bowel movements should also be part of everyone’s health regime. Pooping regularly is important and shouldn’t be overlooked. If you are not having daily bowel movements, consider a colonic, coffee enema, or colon cleansing supplement to jump start your bowels. And take the time to invest in a proper potty stool to facilitate easy more efficient poops, helping you feel lighter, cleaner, and more energetic. Good pooping habits really do equal good health!
Swallow a few spoonfuls of yogurt and poop perfectly? Give me a break…What helps you “GO” like you are supposed to?