It’s a recipe that no one chooses; yet so many people have all the right ingredients. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that, when combined, have the potential for...
“It’s time to take my blood pressure pill.” “Better take my insulin before I eat.” “My doctor says I need medication for my high cholesterol.” These are all common phrases...
Metabolic syndrome is a fairly recent development in our culture resulting from being overweight and inactive. Metabolic syndrome is no small problem when 47 million Americans find themselves in its...
There is a movie coming out next month called Fed Up (#FedUpMovie) that will be of interest to all those who read Home Cures That Work. It’s about how our food has...
Having been in the natural health industry for over 12 years, I have seen the rise and fall of different “healthy” sweeteners. Certain sweeteners fly of the shelves, then another...
We all have different preferences and tastes when it comes to food. However, in nearly every culture and every country around the world, we share a love (or rather an...
Could a restful and restorative night's sleep come down to the foods you eat? Enjoy these top 3 foods for good shut-eye and avoid these top 3 foods that steal...