By Amanda Box, N.D. The word “Superfood” is constantly popping up in the world of health and nutrition. Although the word itself implies health, many companies are using this good-for-you...
Do your teeth reflect your health? Dr. Weston A. Price believed so. This world famous dentist pioneered the belief that nutrition directly affects our teeth. Even in the early 1900’s,...
Quitting smoking for good can be really tricky business. Reason being it is very easy to switch from the smoking habit right into another bad habit. The most common switch...
CAN A FOOD LOVER STILL BE FIT? Dear Grandma, I hear the same things over and over again for weight loss: watch what you eat and exercise. But, for some...
Medicinally stable yet chemically volatile, the skin is an amazing organ. Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies. It regulates our internal environment by interfacing with the outside...