Detox is Not a FAD “Detoxification” has become a nice buzzword lately. It sounds good, rolls off the tongue easily. But do you know what detoxification really is and why...
I forget how wonderful cabbage is, but when I use it: WOW! Known as the powerhouses for the gut, cabbage is a preferred fuel source of the cells that line the...
Three Important Steps to Clear Toxic Vaccine Ingredients from Your Body Having been in the natural health industry for nearly 15 years, I’ve been on the receiving end of all sorts of...
Environmental pollution... Oil spills...Climate change...Ozone depletion… we live in a world that is slowly dying by the hands of man. Industrialization, poor waste management, and greed have left our earth...
Many of you readers are singing the same sad song. You are at your wits' end. It’s as if your body has turned against you! You’re tired, bloated, unable...
At just 19 years old, I had been working at the local health food store for just a couple of months. I absolutely loved working there and was absorbing everything...
I am sure that it comes as no surprise to you that obesity is a HUGE health epidemic. Some are saying it is the #1 preventable killer. This means that...
Strolling through a vitamin aisle or searching on the internet will bring a very wide array of products and services for detoxification. Some are potions of multiple herbs and foods....
Silent Fast As I write this article, the youth and young adults in our church are doing a media fast. Some of their leaders noticed how distracted teenagers are today...
So, you have just been through detoxification program. The first few days were tough. Maybe you even had headaches and stomach pangs, but you stuck it out. Then your body...