In 1535, two centuries before the cure for scurvy was found in England, the French explorer Jacques Cartier saved the lives of his men who had the dreaded disease by...
The heart is just a pump, a muscle. It’s simple. It squeezes the blood inside of it and valves determine how the blood flows through it. Each time the muscle...
“THAT’S MALPRACTICE!” ...The cardiologist was yelling this to me over the phone. Tom, the cardiologist's patient, stopped taking Atorvastatin (Lipitor) because it wasn’t working. Tom initially had a stent placed...
High in fat, low carbohydrates, with adequate protein intake: this diet changes the way your body uses energy—burning fat instead of carbohydrates—which translates to a sustainable weight-loss plan and lifestyle...
3 Surprisingly Creative Recipes for Cauliflower Thanks to the midnight sun, Scott Robb from Palmer, Alaska, grew the world record cauliflower in 2003 weighing in at an impressive 35.8 pounds! (The...
If you like to eat, you should have extra incentive to live longer. Just think—if you add only five years to your life—that means you get to eat at least...
It’s a recipe that no one chooses; yet so many people have all the right ingredients. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that, when combined, have the potential for...
For this article, I conducted a short survey with some of my patients. I asked, “What is cholesterol?” The following answers come from a college-educated woman: “Bad fats.” “Clogs up...
As a natural health practitioner, I get asked all sorts of questions about what I eat. Are you a vegan? Do you eat only raw foods? Are you gluten-free? However,...
I hate to burst your bubble. You’ve likely fallen prey to a hoax, a scam foisted on us by the medical community and Big Pharma. Western society has brainwashed you...
The most effective way to optimize your cholesterol profile and prevent heart disease is with diet and exercise. Did you know 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your...
Eating right isn’t just about being able to fit into your skinny jeans. What you eat has an effect on a different kind of jeans; the kind of genes you...