What does aspartame, the sweetener used in diet sodas, chewing gum, kids’ vitamins, and hundreds of other products, have to do with Donald Rumsfeld, a chief architect of the Iraq...
No, this is not the same charcoal you use to cook on your grill. While it’s similar, there is a distinct difference. WebMD.com explains: “Common charcoal is made from peat,...
Start Your Journey Into the Controversial World of Vaccination Here Nearly 10 years ago I was pregnant with my first child. I was a supplement manager at a local health...
We all have different preferences and tastes when it comes to food. However, in nearly every culture and every country around the world, we share a love (or rather an...
They’re in the air we breathe…the water we drink…and the food we eat. They are toxins. Sadly, there’s really no way to avoid exposure to these silent, deadly health threats....