How to Add a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet to Protect Your Health The quarter of the population eating the fewest fruits and vegetables has over three...
Sixteen Adult Vaccines Risk vs. Benefits There is nothing on Earth more controversial than vaccines. Ever since that historic day in May 1796 when Edward Jenner gave a young girl the...
Start Your Journey Into the Controversial World of Vaccination Here Nearly 10 years ago I was pregnant with my first child. I was a supplement manager at a local health...
4 Natural Ways to Filter Metabolic Waste from the Blood Kidney disease is on the rise in the United States affecting more than 10% of all adults. That translates to 20...
Metabolic syndrome is a fairly recent development in our culture resulting from being overweight and inactive. Metabolic syndrome is no small problem when 47 million Americans find themselves in its...
I hate to burst your bubble. You’ve likely fallen prey to a hoax, a scam foisted on us by the medical community and Big Pharma. Western society has brainwashed you...
The most effective way to optimize your cholesterol profile and prevent heart disease is with diet and exercise. Did you know 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your...
Cancer testing is a large part of a doctor’s business. We have been told that if we find cancer early, and cut it out, burn it with radiation, or poison...
Genetics – is about unraveling the secret code of life itself. ‘Genetic engineering’ – is about real people altering that code. In the field of medical science, genetic engineering approach...
You can go a month without food but only a couple of days without water in your body. It's the medium in which all your body's chemical reactions take...
It’s a condition that sneaks upon you. You may have it and not even know it. If you eat red meat, drink more than two alcoholic beverages a day or smoke, then...